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Bunker. Because of Dr. Singh's acquaintance with King Mahendra of
Nepal, my trip to Nepal was arranged by my friend Dr. Singh,
Secretary to President Giri of India. Through my daughter's
acquaintance with Madam Sunirat Telan, of Bangkok, owner of two or
three hotels and some industries there and a friend of the King of
Thailand, I was invited there for my l 1/2-hour visit with the
King. I have not requested these interviews with heads of state.
But when these doors have opened, I have walked through them.
I am appalled at the IGNORANCE I see everywhere around the
world. Not only here in America about the Vietnam war. But the
illiteracy of at least two-thirds of the people on earth -- and,
even among the highly educated (supposedly) the utter IGNORANCE of
the PURPOSE of life - - the reason humans were put here on earth
-- what it's all about -- man's transcendent potential -- where
he's GOING -- what is the WAY, the CAUSE that would produce all
well-being, happiness, peace, success. WHY does almost NO one know
the CAUSE of all humanity's woes and sufferings and evils? WHY
does almost no one know the TRUE values from the false? WHY does
almost no one know WHAT man IS -- what makes human MIND so VASTLY
superior to animal brain?
The greatest commission on earth is to GET THESE TRUTHS TO THE
WHOLE WORLD. That's what WE -- you and I as Co-Workers -- are
engaged in DOING! And we have to drive on at GETTING THE JOB DONE!
We are giving millions of people all over the world THE TRUE
ANSWERS to these basic and most vital of all questions -- to all
of humanity's PROBLEMS -- through The PLAIN TRUTH, TOMORROW'S
WORLD, and the WORLD TOMORROW on radio worldwide, and on
The NEED grows constantly larger. I am driving myself on and
on, doing MY part. I have never taken a vacation in my life --
never expect to. I never expect to "retire," though I passed the
so-called "retirement age" long ago. I still say, in a sense of
humor, that I am only 39 and HOLDING, while my son Garner Ted is
41 and COUNTING.
But I can do only MY part -- and I do work hard at it! I have
to rely on you Co-Workers to hold up my hands, and do YOUR part.
Time is getting shorter. I don't know how much time we have left
-- but I do know time is beginning to run out on us. We are now
increasing the television stations in the United States. One
result of these recent trips, steps are being made to get the TV
program on the air in Singapore, the Philippines, other places
where the English language is understood.
I say again, you and I are having our part in CHANGING THE
WORLD, and in SAVING HUMANITY ALIVE at a time when, for the first
time in human existence, the number one PROBLEM in the whole world
is that of HUMAN SURVIVAL -- a time when all humanity could be
ERASED FROM THE EARTH by the weapons of mass-destruction modern
science has provided.
That honor and RESPONSIBILITY is ours, and it is worth
sacrificing for! The usual reply envelope is enclosed. God bless