At Bangkok I had a fantastic audience with the King of
Thailand -- formerly Siam -- in, which for an hour and a half he
poured out his heart to me of the problems in his country. It was
a heart-rending, emotional experience, difficult to keep the tears
back. He said nobody could help him with these overwhelming
problems and burdens unless I, perhaps, personally could. He said,
with some emotion, he would welcome any ideas, suggestions, or help
I might be able to give and asked me to come again.
At Manila, in September, President Ferdinand Marcos told me of
the serious problems they have in the Philippines and what he is
doing to help. But, of course, it is only a start. Everywhere I
find on personal contacts with heads of nations, the world's
troubles, problems and evils are completely beyond the human
ability of Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers or their Governments
to solve. It is like the U.S. News and World Report said more than
a year ago. It seems now that the only hope of preventing the
erasing of all humanity from the earth lies in the intervention of
an unseen strong hand from someplace.
You and I are shouldered with that gigantic commission to
prepare the way for the intervention of that strong hand that will
usher in at last the happy, joyous and peaceful WORLD TOMORROW.
You and I are having a part in changing the world and in saving
the whole world before all human life is blasted from this earth!
Isn't that honor and responsibility worth sacrificing for?
NOTHING else is important anymore.
I am doing my utmost to carry out my part. Giant doors are
being opened before me and I am walking through them. But I can
only do my part as you make sacrifice and generously do your part.
It is URGENTLY needed in the most important work on earth!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong