Australia. We MUST be able to take advantage of them!
That means all whose hearts are in this MOST IMPORTANT Work on
earth must make whatever sacrifices for the Work that we are able.
NOTHING else is so important, now. We MAY have only another 15
months to go, until our voices will be silenced until after God
sends the living Christ back to this earth to restore the
GOVERNMENT OF GOD over all nations to bring us PEACE. On the other
hand, we must be prepared to carry on another two or three, or
five, or ten more years until we really do SHAKE THIS WHOLE WORLD
with God's last warning Message!
We cannot know, now, just how much more time we have. But
this we DO know -- we must get back of this great Work to our
UTMOST, as never before! Our GREAT REWARD is not far ahead, now.
And in the meantime GETTING THE JOB DONE is all that matters!
THANK you for your PRAYERS -- fervent, earnest prayers -- and
your interest and sacrifice.
With love, in Jesus name,
Herbert W. Armstrong