receiving the Correspondence Course for a year -- 12 lessons.
Besides all this, the widow would be paying the cost of exposing
800 people to reading our full-page or double-page ads in such
mass-circulation magazines as Life, Reader's Digest, etc. Almost
1,000 people reached with the most important and wonderful message
there is!
-- pointing the WAY to happiness -- helping uncounted thousands
I was just thinking the other day -- WHAT is a Co-Worker's
attitude toward giving for this great Work? Does it mean "giving
up" something you wanted -- something material you wanted to buy?
Is one's heart set more on getting this certain MATERIAL object
than on giving this message of THE WAY to happiness, success --
and even eternal life -- to 1,000 or more people in this suffering
evil world?
You see, the SOLUTION to all the world's troubles is, simply,
to switch from THE WAY of "getting" to THE WAY of "giving." From
SELF-centeredness, to GOD-centeredness. This world is going THE
WAY of SELFISHNESS, greed, lust -- of envy, jealousy, resentment,
hatred. The SOLUTION of all the evils is THE WAY of giving, of
sharing, helping, serving. It is THE WAY of LOVE. And love is
an outgoing concern toward others.
That is THE WAY that has brought peace, happiness, abundant
well-being to our three campuses -- and the students on them. It
is the way that has brought the same happiness, peace, well-being
to uncounted THOUSANDS of people reached by this Work all over
the world!
The United States and Canada have been in an economic
recession for the past year. It has given us very great and urgent
financial problems in keeping this Work going -- and growing. We
have had to make some cutbacks. But, thanks to the generosity of
Co-Workers, we have managed to keep this great Work in a sound
financial state.
Last spring we were heading into a financial crisis. You
Co-Workers came to our aid. We survived it -- kept in sound
financial condition. Now, the last 30 days, indications of another
approaching crisis are becoming more and more evident. Once again,
this Work needs, urgently, THE GREATEST REASONABLE SACRIFICE on the
part of our Co-Workers. Will you "tighten your belt" with us, and
make whatever special sacrifice you can now -- and for the
remainder of this year?
After all, Jesus was RIGHT when He said it is more blessed to
GIVE than to receive. This is a Work of GIVING -- the greatest,
most important Work in the world! YOU are "laying up treasure in
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I pray for YOU -- and
need your prayers.