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feeling and meaning as we close tonight. Let's sing God Bless
America -- and this time let's mean it!
(After a verse or two of the song, and with its
music in the background, this prayer -- )
"O, God -- make America worth blessing! Make us, Father in
heaven, get on our knees before You, and let You bless us, because
we know You'll never bless anybody that You can't rule and who
won't obey Your Law! Bless us because we can deserve a little more
of Your Blessing, and not some of the curses we've been under.
Help us solve pollution and racism and hatred and pornography, and
all the crime! Oh, God, bless America, save this country. Get us
on our knees before You and don't make us fall before our enemies!
Save this country of ours before it's too late! Make us somehow,
God in heaven, dedicate ourselves to You."
The Cincinnati campaign will open this coming Saturday night,
July 4th. There is vital need for the fervent and believing
prayers of all who BELIEVE -- that GREAT GOOD may be accomplished.
Once again I ask, WHY should the world be suffering all these
evils? WHY? It is a fast-CHANGING world -- changing rapidly from
bad to worse. NEVER in all history, so far as we know, has it
CHANGED so drastically and rapidly in retrogression and
degeneration. Our wonderful countries are going DOWN, DOWN, D O W
N -- in morals, in crime, in violence, in pollution, in spiritual
values. They are going THE WAY that led to the FALL OF THE ROMAN
EMPIRE! They are going down -- AND OUT -- unless they DO LISTEN --
before it is too late!
There IS a SOLUTION! As I wrote before, I have personally
applied the solution 43 years. It has been applied on Ambassador
College campuses 23 years! We have PEACE! We have BEAUTY! We
have HAPPINESS! We have right and stable CHARACTER. Thousands of
our Co-Workers have found THE WAY that causes the RIGHT results in
your personal lives.
Time is now RUNNING OUT! We are getting this dynamic Message
to the whole WORLD with POWER! Thousands ARE listening, heeding
-- their lives being CHANGED! It is the greatest Work on earth
today! Every dollar placed in it GOES FARTHER than any other place
I know. Read the "Personal" in the next PLAIN TRUTH -- off the
press in a few days. It shows how, in this Work, today's 18 cent
dollar GOES FARTHER than the 100 cent dollar went in 1902! In this
Work, YOU, as a Co-Worker, are having A PART in changing thousands
of lives every year -- having a PART in CHANGING THE WORLD from one
of sickness and evils into a happy, JOYOUS, PEACEFUL WORLD
The financial need was never so GREAT! Your continued
faithfulness is sorely NEEDED now, and in the difficult days,
weeks, and months ahead. And YOUR EARNEST PRAYERS added to
financial sacrifice will MULTIPLY wonderful results!
Sincerely, with love, in Jesus' name,