of the world. The intensity of its impact will be progressively
stepped up during the next year-and-a-half and two and three years.
Meanwhile, I shall be officiating at graduation exercises
on the Pasadena campus, Friday June 5th; Garner Ted will officiate
at the Texas campus Commencement Monday June 8th, and I again at
graduation exercises in England, Friday June 12th. Then on Tuesday
June 16th I will fly with 70 students from the three campuses to
Jerusalem to get the students off to a summer's work on our great
archaeological project in conjunction with Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, returning the following Sunday to Britain, June 22nd,
and immediately on to Nashville, where I hope to be able to attend
the last day of the "AMERICA LISTEN" campaign. It will, indeed,
be a BUSY SUMMER for us and for this entire great Work!
WHY should the world be suffering all these evils?
WHY should the Gospel of our very Maker -- the living Jesus
Christ -- be presented as a negative, wishy-washy, message of
platitudes about Christ as a historic Person, when He came with
the living, down -to-earth, PRACTICAL S O L U T I O N to all of
humanity's troubles?
WHY has not His straight-from-the-shoulder Message about
THE WAY that will CAUSE peace, abundance, prosperity, happiness
and joy, been THUNDERED to this sick world? It is the LIVING
dynamic Message of N O W ! As well as THE WAY to enjoying the
real GOOD LIFE forever -- the gift of ETERNAL LIFE.
On our three Ambassador campuses we are giving the world A
LIVING EXAMPLE of the fact that THAT WAY WORKS! Jesus Christ said,
of His Disciples, "Ye are the light of the world. ... Let your
light so shine before men, that they may SEE your good works."
People who visit any of our campuses DO SEE those "good works"
and their result. On these "AMERICA LISTEN" personal appearance
campaigns, there will be enough of our Ambassador people to let
this LIGHT shine in their community, as a LIVING EXAMPLE.
Co-Workers, this great Work of the living God is coming in on
the home stretch. Time is short and growing daily shorter. YOU
are having a vital PART in getting this last, vital Message to the
world. Not only is the LIGHT shining on these campuses -- but
thousands upon thousands, ALL OVER THE WORLD, scattered here and
there among the peoples of this TROUBLED world, are precious lives
that HAVE BEEN CHANGED as a result of this Work -- and that stand
as BEACON LIGHTS in the dark world around them! Each year many
THOUSANDS are following this LIGHT -- their lives being CHANGED.
All humanity COULD solve its problems, IF IT WILL BE WILLING!
We are showing THE WAY before millions and millions every week --
every month. THOUSANDS are responding -- their lives being CHANGED
-- made HAPPY. The world is being TOLD what the living GOD is
going to do to save us from ourselves if humanity will not turn to
His right ways that cause desired and right results. There IS
going to be, yet, the HAPPY and PEACEFUL WORLD TOMORROW!
YOU, by being a Co-Worker in this great Work, are HAVING