March 30, 1970
Dear Brethren in God's Church:
I am forced to write you with a very heavy heart. For more
than a year our nation has been in a financial recession. No one
wanted to call it that. There are signs that an upturn is already
started, and it may soon be over. Most bankers and businessmen
have called it a "tight money situation" instead of using the term
"recession," or the more frightening term "depression."
It has hurt the Work of God SERIOUSLY! I have not wanted to
tell you. Up to now we have weathered the storm by wise business
management, and several times last year, and twice already this
year, making cuts in our budget that looked as if they would be
But now I have to come to you with the frank statement that
drastic action must be taken. About ten days ago I took drastic
action -- but it was not enough. I started at the top. I made a
20% cut in salary of all top-salaried officials, including
evangelist-rank ministers, and a 15% cut in all pastor-rank
ministers. Because this would have put several pastor-rank
ministers lower than some preaching elders, certain adjustments had
to be made in that. I put our airplanes up for immediate sale.
However, this very recession has slowed purchase of planes to
a standstill and selling may be difficult.
Next, I have had to reduce publication of The PLAIN TRUTH,
TOMORROW'S WORLD, and The GOOD NEWS to every-other-month. Next,
I have had to cancel off entirely several radio stations, and to
reduce most of the rest to one broadcast a week until October.
BUT THOSE CUT-BACKS WERE NOT ENOUGH. And in the long run they
will hurt the Work. We received another very substantial reduction
in our cash outgo the other day when our bank further showed their
confidence in us by agreeing to let us reduce our monthly payments
which remain on our recent building program by cutting the payments
But that still is not enough. We are making reductions in
operating expenses in every department of this Work where it is
possible. We now (with these reductions being made) have reduced
our budget to a point even with income.
But that still is not enough. The BIG immediate need is extra
cash funds -- NOW -- IMMEDIATE!
For this I am going to ask all of God's people to do one