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SOLUTION! If that is all we do, we shall soon have TWO Biafras to
alleviate, then FOUR, then TEN!
The point I want you to know is that THIS WORK OF GOD is DOING
JOYOUS LIFE TO ALL THE WORLD! I want you to realize what WE,
guided and led by the LIVING JESUS CHRIST, are doing to PREVENT
MORE BIAFRAS from rising up -- what we are doing to PREVENT these
evils! For we are doing a VERY GREAT DEAL more than you probably
All these evils have resulted from WRONG CAUSES! We are not
now, of course, able to FORCE all humanity to CHANGE in these wrong
causes. Of course we are TELLING a hundred and fifty MILLIONS what
these wrong causes are. But we are DOING much more! Gradually,
this broadcasting and telecasting worldwide is resulting in CHANGED
LIVES of constantly increasing THOUSANDS of people. IF and when
ALL people CHANGE their lives accordingly, the CAUSE of all the
world's evils will have been stopped.
But we are doing much MORE!
We are actually setting the LIVING EXAMPLE! We are creating
a CHANGED CONDITION -- one of peace, happiness and abundant well-
being ON THREE COLLEGE CAMPUSES. These are like model communities,
totally unlike the world around them. Here the evil results have
never occurred and never would! It is a living EXAMPLE -- a living
MODEL for all the world to follow!
Do you realize how things GROW -- and MULTIPLY -- either good
or evil? Drop a pebble in the center of a still and placid pool.
A tiny ring will form around the spot where the pebble struck. The
ring will expand, bigger and bigger, until it has expanded over the
entire pool. Jesus Christ, over 1900 years ago, reported the
advance GOOD NEWS of a coming world of peace, prosperity,
happiness, and abundant well-being. He said it would start the
VERY SMALLEST, like a grain of mustard seed, the smallest of all
seeds. But He said it would expand, and grow, until it became the
GREATEST -- filling the WHOLE EARTH.
We believe this same LIVING Christ started Ambassador College.
It started 22 1/2 years ago here in Pasadena. It started the VERY
SMALLEST -- FOUR pioneer students! It started GOD'S WAY --
according to HIS WAYS revealed in the Bible. That WAY is the CAUSE
of RIGHT and DESIRED RESULTS. It is the CAUSE of good vigorous
health, of peace, of happiness, of beauty, of abundant well-being!
The college grew in that way!
But we saw the evils of letting this one campus grow too large
-- of having thousands of students on one campus. Many
universities have fifteen, thirty or forty thousand students!
Students lose their identity. There is no character building. It
is assembly-line mass-production of educated minds seeking FALSE