a little on what he owed, could keep up his payments regularly from
now on, and each week pay a little on his debt. Of course he
thought he had to pay up in full or be evicted. I was sure his
landlord would accept it as I offered. And of course he did.
The lesson; I did not do it for him. I gave him just
enough to help him help himself. I helped him get on his own feet.
Of course today the facets of organized society are always
coming up with some alluring new idea to solve the problems.
Actually the new idea proves to be another gimmick that doesn't
WHY? Because the human mind contains a spiritual element
that confronts mankind with emotional, moral and spiritual
problems, yet his mind is utterly incapable of receiving knowledge!
The mind of man is incomplete! It has a spiritual content, but
was made to need another Spirit! Lacking this, he is confronted
with emotional, moral and spiritual problems which his mind --
great as it is -- cannot understand or cope with!
The human mind contains such tremendous capacity it
actually seems incredible. Yet it is confined to receiving
knowledge solely of the physical -- the material. I will explain
this more fully in the "Personal" in the January PLAIN TRUTH.
Stop and think! Look at the tremendous accomplishments
that have resulted from the marvelous human MIND! They are all
confined to dealing with physical matter, with the use of
mathematics, and entirely confined to the material sphere.
But man doesn't understand HIMSELF! He doesn't know what
he IS! He doesn't know WHY he is! He doesn't know how he came to
be placed here on earth! He doesn't know where he is going -- his
true destiny! He doesn't know THE WAY! He doesn't know the way to
peace -- to happiness -- to abundant well-being!
But, by the thousands, readers of The Plain TRUTH are
beginning to understand some of these BASICS of right knowledge.
Lives are being turned right side up. Lives are being enriched.
Problems are being solved. They are finding the way to happiness.
They are doing better financially -- by the thousands! They are
learning better how to handle finances! They are learning HOW TO
Look at the situation on college and university campuses
today. Students see no hope for the future. So you see protest,
long-haired bearded men, unkempt women. Morals are sinking into
the cesspool. Students -- entirely too many of them -- are
experimenting on taking LSD trips and other drugs. You see
marches, sit-ins, violence taking over campuses. Student suicides
are on the rapid increase -- now, next to accidents, the number one
cause of student deaths!
Then visit one of the three Ambassador College Campuses!
There you will see an astonishing difference! You'll see
clean-cut, alert, animated young men and women who are actually