not yet understand this, write for our special booklet on the
origin of Satan. These other passages -- numerous passages in both
Old and New Testaments -- show that originally God populated this
earth with angels -- long before the creation of man.
God's revelation to man -- His Instruction Book for us --
reveals that God is Creator of ALL that exists -- the entire
universe -- and that God GOVERNS His entire creation. At the very
throne of God, thoroughly experienced in the administration of
God's Government, was a super archangel, the cherub LUCIFER. His
name means "Shining Star of the Dawn" or "Bringer of LIGHT." God
set him on this earth to administer the Government of God over the
In Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:11-17 we find that Lucifer
let pride, vanity, lust for power fill his mind. He organized his
angels into an invading army, and swept UP TO HEAVEN to attempt to
knock God off the throne, and to try to seize the power of
government over the Universe. But God's power is supreme. Satan
was cast back down to earth. As a result of that supernatural SIN
-- rebellion against God's Law -- against the GOVERNMENT of God (I
John 3:4 -- a universal DESTRUCTION came to the earth.
So we see, that in the second verse of Genesis one, the
earth was chaotic waste and empty and in confusion. The word "was"
is translated from the Hebrew word meaning "became." The same
Hebrew word often is so translated in the Bible. The words
"without form and void" are translated from the Hebrew words "tohu"
and "bohu."
The Bible plainly says God did not create the earth in
chaos and confusion. In Isaiah 45:18 it says God did not create
the earth "tohu" -- there translated "in vain", But Genesis 1:2
says it was -- that is, it BECAME "tohu." If it was "tohu," but
God did not create it "tohu," it had to become that way after it
was created. Also, God "is not the author of confusion" -- (I Cor.
14:33) -- but Satan is!
So, with Lucifer, his name now changed to Satan, back down
on a waste and empty and chaotic earth, in six days God RE-CREATED
-- reformed -- reshaped the earth -- that is, He brought order and
beauty out of confusion and ugliness. And on the sixth day of that
week -- some 6,000 years ago -- God said: "Let us make MAN in our
image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish
of the SEA, and over the fowl of the AIR, and over the cattle, and
over all of the EARTH..." (Gen. 1:26). So God gave man DOMINION, --
OVER WHAT? Over the solid earth, the seas, and the air. BUT THE
no dominion assigned to him outside the earth's atmosphere.
In due time, rebellious MAN brought about universal SIN, in
lust and violence which in turn again brought universal DESTRUCTION
to the earth by the flood. But soon after that, MAN -- even as
Satan had tried to do -- was starting a program to GET TO HEAVEN.
They were starting to build a skyscraper -- a giant TOWER. And God
said, "...and this they begin to do: and now NOTHING will be
restrained from them which they have imagined to do." So God CAME