been thru in the past has been brought out just right, and in every
case God has heard and acted and given the answer. He has never
failed us once. He won't now. Of course there have been hundreds
of times where God has given us the healing, or the answer to our
prayers, or the deliverance from trouble, immediately after
committing it to Him. But every time our faith has been tried by
the trouble hanging on, as at present, if we do not lose faith, the
answer comes. So, please KEEP PRAYING WITH US, very earnestly, and
in continued FAITH, and in His time and way God will restore Larry
to complete health.
I didn't get a minute to check up on costs and receipts
of food, etc., until today. We finally came out far better than we
thought we would. The food bill came out less than it looked like
it would, and by the end of the meeting, more money was received
than earlier appearances indicated. Here's a brief condensed
statement. Meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, $84.16. Groceries,
$71.26. Dairy products $34.69. Cook's salary and room, and Bro.
Kiesz' room, $116.50 (Sister Wallace began work Thursday night out
at Belknap, and did not finish until after Breakfast Sunday---more
than nine days total). Total expenses, $306.61. Total received,
$387.65. Balance, placed in radio and publishing fund, $81.04.
A great meeting of this kind, like an altar-service of
the right kind for the right purpose, may prove a wonderful
blessing and bring us a real revival---but we must now realize that
both, at most, are merely a sort of "pump-priming" of spiritually-
dry wells. Many of us have been much closer to the world than we
have to God. We have neglected prayer. We have become dry,
spiritually. We were in DANGER, for we can lose out altogether
thru neglect. Many of us perhaps never would have gotten back to
God alone. We were dry wells. We needed priming---a little of the
true Spirit of God poured into us, by such a meeting, to start the
inflowing and OUT-flowing of the Holy Spirit working continuously,
again, in our lives. All of us should have been revived by this
great meeting. We were brought back closer to God. We got out
AWAY from the world for eight days. We were able to help one
another revive spiritually. We put in more time PRAYING. We read
more, and heard more, of God's Word. It surely should have started
God's Spirit coming in, and flowing on OUT, in love and fulfilling
of His law, thus priming the spiritually-dry well. But, dear
brethren, unless YOU yourself now KEEP ON drinking in more and more
fully of the precious WATERS OF LIFE, so that this LIVING WATER of
God's Holy Spirit can flow now, not like a trickling stream almost
dried up, but like RIVERS of living water, as a result of greatly-
increased private prayer, along with God, and much more time
devoted to Bible study, and worship, and contemplation of the
things above, then this meeting will have been in vain for you,
after all---it will only have been a good time. Now you are back
home from the Feast of Tabernacles. STUDY YOUR BIBLE MORE. Go to
a place ALONE WITH GOD, and PRAY as you never did before. Spend at
least one solid hour a day without getting up, on you knees in
private prayer with God---beside much additional prayer, and
keeping constantly in a spirit of prayer. Be more regular and
punctual in assembling with the brethren every Sabbath, and prayer
meeting. And start NOW to set aside, where you won't and can't
touch it for any other purpose, that SECOND TITHE God has ordained