come from God, but from disobedience to His Laws! It is RICHES
that come from God, to those who UNDERSTAND and follow HIS WAYS!
All -- absolutely ALL GOOD THINGS, wanted things, desirable
things, come from GOD! God is one who GIVES, not one who TAKES!
He SHARES, and has given us precious promises that, if we yield to
Him and His right WAYS, ALL THAT HE HAS we may SHARE! If we are
Christ's, we are His children and heirs -- heirs to inherit all
that God HAS! To SHARE it all with Him! I mean His GLORY! I mean
the UNIVERSE! I mean His POWER! I mean ALL! I mean ETERNAL LIFE,
to enjoy it FOREVER! Can your mind comprehend that?
God IS, and HAS, the ULTIMATE! It is the SUPREME of
SUPERLATIVES MAGNIFIED! Yet all His power and glory we may share!
We may INHERIT! Absolutely ALL the GOOD THINGS come from GOD!
What, then, is the MOST COLOSSAL SIN of all?
It is that which cuts you off from receiving the greatest
possible GOOD -- both here and now in this life -- but also
ETERNALLY in the life to come! Since EVERYTHING GOOD comes from
God -- and since sin is that which harms YOU as well as others --
the greatest sin is that which harms YOU the most -- which cuts
you off from the greatest GOOD!
In other words, the SUPREME sin of all is to have ANOTHER
god before the true God. We don't bow down to worship carved idols
made of wood, stone, gold, or other substance today. We have
IDOLATRY, just the same. I will tell you the false god which I
worshipped, when you read the article in August. God SHATTERED
my idol to bits. I quit worshipping it 42-1/2 years ago.
But you may put pleasures AHEAD of God, so that pleasure
seeking becomes another god before Him. Or excessive television
viewing -- or viewing the wrong kind of program. How much time do
you spend before your TV set -- MORE than you spend with God in
prayer and Bible reading and study? Or, it could be something
not really needed that you desire MORE than YOUR PART in helping
finance GOD'S WORK! Perhaps you should be putting more offerings
WITH A Perfect HEART into the Work of God. Remember, the EARTH
belongs to God. All you have comes from Him . You only GIVE what
is His! And He prospers the giver!
Brethren and Co-Workers, let's not commit the GREATEST SIN
of all by failing to do our FULL SHARE, GENEROUSLY, for God's Work,
even as God's people of David's day gave for the Temple! WE ARE
YEAR, as in past years.
worldwide WORK OF GOD! It is reaching up to 150,000,000 people
today -- that's one hundred and fifty MILLION! But our Work is FAR
from finished -- and time is SHORT and fast becoming shorter. We
MAY have no more than 2 - 1/2 more years to go!
Without harm to yourself -- without denying yourself real
NEEDS, CAN'T you increase your freewill offerings for GOD? The