built the gymnasium, the Student Center, the Academic Center, the
new men's student residence, and now, finally, the Hall of
Meanwhile, the architects continued preparing the plans for
our HOUSE FOR GOD. They completed all working drawings last year.
Late in the year we asked the architects for a firm cost-estimate,
so we could seek financing for the construction. We did obtain
commitments from insurance companies and banks for long-term loans
in the amount of 50% of the architects' cost-estimate. Our own
bank gave us a line of credit, unsecured, for 100% interim
financing during construction. We had planned to break ground and
commence construction about September, this year.
Then, about five weeks ago the architects shocked us with
the news that they had made a terrible mistake in their cost-
estimate. It was going to cost 40% to 50% more than the figure
they had given us. That made it impossible to proceed this year --
or probably ANY year.
Before I tell you what happened Friday, let me tell you a
little more about WHY we have wanted it so very much. When GOD'S
people meet together on the Sabbath, WITH WHOM is our fellowship?
It is much more than just with one another. Listen to what God
says: "That which we have seen and heard" (I John 1:3 -- John was
one of the original Apostles, and he refers to Jesus Christ)
"declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and
truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son, Jesus
Our fellowship on the Sabbath days is not only with
ourselves alone. The Father and the Son Jesus Christ ARE THERE, in
spirit, having fellowship with us.
Yet our Brethren, all around the world, have been meeting
together with our God and our Saviour on the Sabbath days in hired
halls. We have been willing to do this, in order that we could
spend God's tithes and our offerings on GETTING OUT THE GOSPEL,
instead of constructing church buildings and cathedrals like the
world's churches.
When you stop to think of it, the world looks on "A
CHURCH" as a building with a steeple on top of it -- or a
cathedral. With them, the people go to the CHURCH. But with us,
it has had to be THE CHURCH goes to the HIRED HALL.
We have been willing to forego having fine church
buildings, so we could use the money in THE MOST POWERFUL GOSPEL
WORK ever to go out to the world. Never in history has Christ's
Gospel gone to SO MANY with such IMPACT and POWER. Of course, the
world's churches have not preached CHRIST'S Gospel, but a different
Gospel -- or one ABOUT Christ.
We know that in this, we have done what the Living Christ
has directed us to do. Just as He told David that He had dwelt in
tents, and not in a fine and costly Temple, without using the
people's money for a HOUSE FOR HIM, so we know that has been His