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The Work is on the home stretch! From here on out it is
going to require sacrifice, foregoing things we would like,
Soon our LIVING Head of God's Work, Jesus Christ, will
return to earth in supreme POWER and GLORY, to restore PEACE and
HAPPINESS, and to SAVE THE WORLD, giving us His Gift of ETERNAL
LIFE! It's a supreme GLORIOUS future just ahead. He is using US to
prepare the way.
YOU are helping to CHANGE the world -- and, soon, to SAVE
the whole world!
The need is still MOST URGENT, and will continue to be!
But we are making GOOD PROGRESS! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Let's
keep this Work MOVING -- and I believe soon we can restore what had
to be cancelled, and then go on to reach additional MILLIONS with
Christ's Gospel!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong