free to give, to loan these to the Work, and let this money be
WORKING where CHRIST is working and guiding and directing --
and BLESSING! BUT there is one other consideration in this regard.
These sums cannot be counted as INCOME for the Work, but must go on
our books as LIABILITIES, as long as they are subject to repayment.
This actually counts against us on our financial statement. For
this reason, it occurs to me that perhaps many who have helped the
Work with such loans might, at this time, be in position to cancel
out a part, or all, of the loan, turning it into a donation. It is
then deductible on your income tax. This would transfer such sums
from liabilities on our books into ASSETS. If you CAN do this, I
will be grateful. Last year we were called on to return a larger
percentage of these loans than in former years. In case of real
necessity, we are always prepared to repay such loans, but, unless
it is a necessity you can greatly help God's Work by leaving loaned
sums ln the Work as long as possible. I know that I can speak for
the Head of this Work, the living Jesus Christ, in THANKING YOU,
from the heart, for your sacrifice, your generosity, your prayers,
your HELP in this great Work.
Don't forget to order the first Correspondence Course
lesson, if you are not already enrolled -- order it with your next
tithe or offering if you are sending that by return mail -- order
it by return mail ANYWAY. THANK YOU!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong