East, and frequently, of course, Britain. Leading television
stations would like to have him on their staffs. Beside doing the
broadcast, he writes articles for The PLAIN TRUTH, teaches classes
at all three campuses, is Executive Vice-Chancellor, in charge of
all our overseas operations, and carries a heavy executive job here
at headquarters. People say to me, "You must be very proud of your
son." No, but I'm exceedingly well pleased with him. He has a
very fine little wife, and three very well-trained sons.
I would like to tell you many things about The PLAIN TRUTH
-- how it was started in 1934, the unusual circumstances
surrounding its beginning, how it grew and developed, WHY it is
published, HOW it is written and edited, something of the chief
editors, writers, researchers personally -- why no one can pay for
his own subscription. But I do not want to weary new subscribers
with a too-long letter, so will reserve that for next time.
Ambassador College is deeply interested, not only in the
dissemination of a liberal arts education, in cultural, personality
and character development of students -- but in world conditions
and problems, in family and social conditions and problems, in
world history and in ADDING its share to the world's store of
knowledge -- the kind of knowledge that is usable and practical.
Currently Ambassador is entering a new branch of
scientific research (for us), in a joint collaboration with one of
the world's best known universities in a major archaeological
excavation, where we hope to uncover 3,000 years of history.
Details of this exciting and very important undertaking will be
made public in the near future. Also we are making preliminary
plans toward a major expedition into one or two of the still not
fully explored areas of the world, in collaboration with important
European authorities and world-recognized scientists. I might add,
finally, that Ambassador College is currently well along in a $30
million-plus expansion program of our three campuses -- in
additional ground purchases and new construction of several new
Finally, let me tell you what we have, NEW and SPECIAL, to
offer at this time. They are gratis. No price. We will not
accept money for them. You see, there's no catch -- no gimmick!
I have just finished rewriting a revised, enlarged edition
of an important booklet, "The Seven Laws of Success." NO one need
ever be a failure. WHY do so many, then, fail? Why SO FEW
successful? Most people do not know, and have never applied, a
single one of these laws. This is written from a rich and long
experience. I have, I think, lived an unusual life, with contacts
with many recognized successful men -- men who started with nothing
and became heads of big corporations, world-known banks, men
counted among the great and the near-great. In earlier life I have
surveyed business conditions for national magazines all over the
United States. For 57 years I have studied, by actual personal
contact and investigation, to learn why one fails where another
succeeds. Why were many multi-millionaires I have known unhappy?
I think you'll find this booklet gripping, informative, eye-