No, they WERE SENT, not together but TWO AND TWO, on a special
mission---preparing for the personal visits of Jesus to these
various towns and cities! Instead of assembling as a church
board, THEY SEPARATED---two and two!
What instruction did Jesus give them? Did He vest them with
power to RULE, or set them up as an advisory board, or appoint
them to be the LEADING elders?
No, He said, "Go your ways . . . and HEAL THE SICK . . . and
say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." (v.3,9).
They were authorized only to heal, cast out demons, and preach!
That is all!
They returned from this special mission (verse 17), and Jesus
gave them power to tread on serpents and scorpions so nothing
should hurt them. And THAT IS THE LAST EVER HEARD OF THEM!
Their mission was ended!
Brethren, let us be honest! IF the Lord ever intended them to
be a continuous church "BOARD OF SEVENTY", do you not honestly
think we should find some further mention of "the seventy" in the
Bible? Do you not think we should find, in the Book of Acts,
where some of the elders or evangelists were "of the seventy?" Do
you not think we should read of this "board" in the history of
"the TRUE Church"---IF they ever were such a board?
No, the simple truth, when we come to "search the Scriptures
WHETHER these things be so," is that they never were a church
board, and they ENDED their work and mission before Jesus was
The fact that in one or two instances Moses selected seventy
elders for certain duties of that day, BEFORE God took the
government away from Israel and turned it over to the Gentiles---
BEFORE He divorced Israel---certainly has no connection with the
seventy Jesus sent on this special mission.
And now a brief glimpse at "THE SEVEN."
Were they set up as a FINANCIAL BOARD? Were they appointed to
receive and handle the TITHES of the whole world-wide Church? Did
they ever supervise the financial affairs of the ministry, hiring
and firing ministers, and paying them their salaries, or
"allowances?" Were they set over THAT business?
Let s not be deceived, but look at this AS IT IS IN THE BIBLE,
In the early days of the NEW Testament Church, the brethren
sold their possessions, had all things common, and took care of
the PHYSICAL needs of their own widows and orphans.
In the 6th chapter of Acts, we notice in the first verse, the
Grecians complained against he Hebrews, because their widows and
orphans were being neglected in the daily ministration of
material needs.
Then the twelve---the ORIGINAL and ONLY twelve of the Bible,
ordained to be witnesses of Christ's resurrection,---called
together the disciples and said, "It is not reason that we should
leave THE WORD OF GOD, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren,
look ye out among you seven men . . . whom we may appoint over
THIS business." (V. 2-3).
They were appointed over BUSINESS---but what business? Note