more and more trained personnel to handle this great and rapidly
expanding WORK OF GOD.
On this European trip I visited our office in Geneva, then
our office at Bonn, Germany. Did not have time to visit the
Duesseldorf office this trip, but did fly to Hamburg where I
arranged to purchase FULL PAGE advertising space every month in
Germany's largest mass-circulation magazine -- over 4 million
copies -- read by some 12 million people! This will greatly
increase the circulation of the German edition of The PLAIN TRUTH.
The German office will now need more trained help!
The Czechoslovakian crisis has flared to white-hot heat
NATIONS TO UNITE -- as we have been telling the world for 35 years
will happen!
My son, Garner Ted, had an hour and a half interview in
his Bonn office with Herr Franz Josef Strauss, regarded by most
observers as the coming STRONG MAN OF EUROPE! Three TELEVISION and
RADIO programs were recorded, in interviews with Herr Strauss,
during this conference. You will hear them, at least on radio --
perhaps already have.
Suddenly opportunity opened (apparently) for Ambassador
College to enter a collaboration, in the most important
archeological excavation ever undertaken in history, with the
Hebrew University in Israel, and in excavating the ruins of the
ancient world capital of TYRE, in collaboration with the government
of Lebanon -- one collaboration with Jewish, and one with Arab
I cannot divulge more details than that at this time. But
Dr. Herman L. Hoeh and Dr. Ernest L. Martin (of the English campus)
are at Jerusalem today making the preliminary contacts. Dr. Hoeh
has done considerable research work at Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, knows well the Israeli chief scientist in the field of
But, Co-Workers, let's just stop right here a moment, and
get our bearings. Are all these things important to YOU? Let's
see if we can UNDERSTAND the meaning of all this -- what it means
to YOU, as an individual, at this very moment.
I have before me an important book -- called "WITNESS," by
Whittaker Chambers. He was, as you may remember, a noted Communist
who turned against Communism. He exposed alleged activities of
Alger Hiss, prominent in the State Department. They had a world-
famous trial. Whittaker Chambers wrote a book about it.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that he explains, as probably no one
else ever did, WHY educated people -- hundreds of college
professors among them -- become Communists.
This is important to YOU! Communism, in fact, is EVIL.
But do men join in it because they desire to be and do EVIL? No
indeed! They join it because they see THIS IS A SICK WORLD!