broadcasting than he did; while I am doing more writing but less
broadcasting. But I'm still trying to get things organized so that
I can get back on the air a couple or three times a week. I guess
I just have a struggle with myself, trying to get to it.
Meanwhile, Ted is now also on television -- and the television
broadcasting will increase rapidly, just as the radio broadcasting
That is a summary of what I said in that conversation at
Manx Radio.
And that brings me to something else I want to say to you!
And I think this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!
I have just finished writing a new booklet. I intended it
to be a PLAIN TRUTH article . But the subject developed into a
manuscript too long for a single article. So I have decided to
have our presses print it as a booklet, and offer it to you with
this letter -- FREE, of course.
The title is "W h Y MARRIAGE? -- soon obsolete?"
As I write, the proofs are before me, set in type, ready
for printing.
Is MARRIAGE on the way out? Is adultery still a SIN?
Some psychologists, taking a new look at the institution of
MARRIAGE, are voicing shocking predictions! Indeed, in their
professional eyes, with marriages breaking down all around us, the
very desirability of the custom is being questioned.
So I, myself, after 50 years of very happy and rewarding
marriage, have been taking a NEW LOOK at this question! And I ask
some questions.
Animals do not marry. Now if man is merely the highest of
the animals, at what stage in the evolutionary process did he adopt
the institution of Marriage? And WHY? None of the "authorities"
who believe evolution can answer.
Then we look at the "Christian" view. For many centuries,
moral codes in the western world were set by the Roman Catholic
Church. They taught that the un-married state of celibacy is a
higher state than marriage. Also they taught that the only
rightful purpose of sex, even in marriage, is reproduction. So now
THINK! Marriage is not necessary for reproduction. Animals
reproduce, but they don't marry. If, then, sex has no rightful use
in marriage except for procreation, and marriage is not necessary
for having children, would it, then, be better to procreate through
sex, while living in the higher un-married state?
Would that be a logical deduction, based on Catholic
teaching? But of course THAT would be FORNICATION!
I think you'll find this new booklet CHALLENGING. and
mighty INTERESTING! It reveals a startling, even SHOCKING TRUTH