God's Work, my father finally started writing the autobiography in
monthly installments for The PLAIN TRUTH. And it has been
encouraging -- actually exciting -- and inspirational! Not only to
me, but to many, many THOUSANDS. All of our PLAIN TRUTH
subscribers have read, serially, at least a few of the later
installments. But The PLAIN TRUTH has become, since the
Autobiography began ten years ago, a really BIG circulation
magazine -- now over one million one hundred thousand copies --
read by perhaps three to four million persons.
Yet MOST of these millions have read only the later parts
of the Autobiography. Very frequently we receive letters from
subscribers wondering if they can receive back issues of The PLAIN
TRUTH, so they may read the earlier history of this work, and my
father's life.
Some few years ago, the beginning chapters of the
Autobiography were made into a 48-page BOOKLET. An OVERWHELMING
number wanted it!
Frankly, my father was surprised by the large number of
people who have found his life's story not only absorbing and
interesting from a personal history point of view, but also very
helpful and inspiring in solving their own day-to-day human
problems! Thousands have written, telling how they have been
HELPED in trying situations, through family tragedies, in their
businesses and jobs, and in their marriages and homes -- by reading
the Autobiography.
I'll tell you one thing. I KNOW my father. I've known
all about him for nearly 38 years. I know his personal life. I
know his personal tastes, his innermost feelings -- his whole
temperament and personality! I know his dedication and utter
sincerity in this Work of God. That's why I have to shake my head
with a wry grimace of incredulity when I see picayunish attempts at
SLANDER against him; the attempt to IMPUTE WRONG MOTIVES in his
conduct of this Work of God.
But why do I mention these persecutions? For this
important reason: The Autobiography is REAL. Every word of it is
TRUE -- just as it happened! I KNOW, because I have LIVED many of
the experiences described. For years, I have decried the practice
During Christ's ministry, Jesus asked His disciples, "Who
do MEN say that I AM?" He KNEW there would be various false and
slanderous accusations, including various MISinformed, though
"innocent" GUESSES about Him. The Disciples said some claimed
Christ was ISAIAH, or ELIJAH, or one of the old prophets! And
the POINT to this is -- SOME ACTUALLY BELIEVED such ridiculous
fairy tales!
Did they ASK CHRIST? No! They asked EACH OTHER! And NOT
ONE OF THEM KNEW Him, personally, the way His disciples did. So He
turned to Peter and asked, "But whom do YOU say, I, the Son of man,