Armstrong and I started, beginning 1934, with a tiny office which
was an anteroom in an old former Masonic Temple hall. I had
engaged this second-floor hall for evangelistic meetings at a
rental of $10 a month, and when I had to give up the hall and rent
another after two months, the owner allowed me to continue using
the little anteroom "office" free.
Later, he required the use of the room, and offered me the use
of a small inside room in the Hampton Building, which he owned, for
$5 per month. This was the little room that had no windows, nor
outside light -- and no ventilation except a transom over a locked
door leading to a stale, smoke -- filled room used for night
meetings of a labor union. We used a couple of old scratched-up
tables for desks, and cardboard cartons obtained free at a grocery
store for filing cabinets.
...but Grew Big
But today God's Work at Headquarters employs hundreds of people,
using hundreds of steel filing cabinets, typewriters, printing
presses -- even a computer -- in offices that long ago outgrew the
campus, and have spilled over into bedrooms in old houses, and old
buildings as far as almost a mile from the campus.
Mrs. Armstrong and I did not gripe or complain about our lack
of sufficient office space at the start of this Work. We were just
THANKFUL for what we had, and the privilege of being used of God in
His Work. Our department heads, officials, secretaries, and
workers do not gripe or complain today because of the over-crowded
But GOD'S WORK IS BEING HAMPERED, its progress impeded -- and
IT CANNOT GROW unless we can build additional buildings
They are needed to preach the gospel!
So I have decided to show you WHY God's Work cannot grow any
further UNLESS and UNTIL we do have some new buildings.
I think you should have enough FAITH IN THE LIVING JESUS
CHRIST, who is the HEAD of this great Work of God -- and who
GUIDES, DIRECTS, and blesses it -- to know that He would not put or
leave a man at the earthly head of HIS WORK who would mislead or
deceive you; or who would have such bad judgment that he would
embark on any unneeded or extravagant spending spree.
Your Part in God's Work
Nevertheless, I want you to KNOW just how serious is this need
of more office space, more work space. I realize that, never
having seen this side of the picture -- not knowing many of these
facts and existing conditions under which we work -- but having
seen only pictures of the beautiful, even fabulous properties God
has given us, you are in no position to judge whether there is real
need. And of course that is not your responsibility or your part
in the Work -- but I'd like you to know, anyway.
In showing you these not-so-pretty pictures, and this
impossible over-crowded condition under which we are struggling to
carry on God's Work, I hope it will help you to realize that if I
write and tell you there is a NEED, YOU may be sure THERE IS A
NEED! I DO know the facts, and I DON'T lie to you or mislead you.