Every picture we have published of our three college campuses
has, naturally, "put our best foot forward." And having seen
only our finest, some seem to have drawn the false conclusion
that now we have all we need. Frankly, Co-Workers, I think you
should know that I wouldn't mislead you.
What Many Didn't Know
Our Campuses are beautiful -- Yes indeed! But they are not yet
complete. As the Gospel Work of God grows, our campuses must
expand! And the expanded areas are NOT -- as yet -- so beautiful!
But I have often said that, "what you don't know, you don't
know that you don't know."
They say one picture is worth ten thousand words. So I'm going
to give several thousand words' worth of pictures. I think it's
about time our Co-Workers in God's Work come to realize HOW MUCH we
DO need additional buildings -- additional SPACE in which to work,
in carrying on the great Worldwide WORK OF GOD. And just WHY that
Work can't keep on growing, or fulfilling the mission to which the
Living Christ has called and commissioned us UNLESS we DO
immediately build additional buildings!
One writes: "Why don't you spend all your time and money just
PREACHING THE GOSPEL, instead of building new buildings?" He
doesn't realize that the radio broadcast is only the first part
of preaching the Gospel. We are NOT ALLOWED to preach the WHOLE
Gospel over the air! When we purchase TIME on a radio station, the
company owning the station are allowing us to take over and USE,
for a half hour, THEIR PROPERTY, and THEIR FACILITIES, worth from
one to ten or more million dollars. Many listeners would protest
if we put the WHOLE TRUTH on the air.
The world has been DECEIVED with a false gospel. If we put the
WHOLE TRUTH on the air, it would offend many. Angry protests would
come into the station. Pressure would be brought to put
us off the air.
Remember, we don't OWN the radio stations. We can use THEIR
property and THEIR facilities only AS FAR AS they will allow.
Besides, if we simply choke off listeners with Christ's TRUTH which
is TOO STRONG for them -- at first -- make listeners furious and
angry, we would never get their minds open to THE TRUTH !
Yet we MUST preach THE WHOLE TRUTH. We DO preach the WHOLE
truth! But we can't put it all ON THE AIR! Then HOW do we do it?
We proclaim over the air that which will arouse INTEREST,
attract listeners -- get millions and millions of people to LISTEN.
As they become interested in things which do NOT offend them, they
write in for The PLAIN TRUTH, and booklets for MORE things that
INTEREST them. It is BY THIS MEANS -- getting in personal touch
with them -- that we give them what we CAN'T get to them by radio.
Radio alone IS NOT COMPLETE! SO we receive 3,000 to 5,000
letters every day -- more than 100,000 letters a month! NOW HOW
would YOU read and answer all those letters, without a ROOM, or
OFFICE, or place to work? How would You print more than a
million copies of a magazine like The PLAIN TRUTH, and tons and
tons of booklets, and thousands of copies of the Bible
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE, without buildings and rooms for your
presses, folding machines, and vast amounts of equipment we have to
use? How would YOU write the articles, and edit and PLAN a
magazine, lay out the pages, arrange the pictures, etc., without A