with our readers, in this issue, to things I wanted to say about
the wife of my youth, whom God had given me as such a loyal,
loving, competent help for a half century. God took her from me
just short of our FIFTIETH anniversary.
But in my Bible, following the words of Jesus, "But as
touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which
was spoken unto you by God, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham. and
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? GOD IS NOT THE GOD OF THE
DEAD, BUT OF THE LIVING.'" (Mat. 22:31-32.) I have written, "GOD
is the God of Loma." I hope to be able to write an article for the
June PLAIN TRUTH--and if not, for the July issue, explaining how
her SPIRIT (and I do not mean soul) did not die, but, as so MANY
scriptural passages plainly say, sleeps UNTIL THE RESURRECTION.
Not many understand this wonderful truth, though the Bible reveals
it. I hope to make it plain as a truth new to most of our readers.
So now, though my mortal wifely helper is gone, still I
"may boldly say, 'THE LORD IS MY HELPER. and I will not fear what
man shall do unto me.'" "For He hath said, 'I will never leave
thee nor forsake thee.'" (Heb. 13:6,5.) I look now to HIM for
help, strength, guidance, wisdom, and power--as well as protection
from the persecutors and those who because of hostility to the GOD
I serve would not hesitate to do physical violence. In a fleeting
very few years I shall again see my lovely wife, resplendent in
glory, in the Kingdom of God.
GOD HELP US to really comprehend the TRUTH about this
present fleeting mortal life--about how TEMPORARY it really is--how
UNCERTAIN--and yet how WONDERFUL is our potential and eternal
future IF we yield ourselves obediently and humbly to receive God's
glorious grace, and His precious promises of eternal life in His
Kingdom--BORN OF HIM!
Since I last wrote you I have been to Jerusalem, and to our
campus in England, and back.
In Jerusalem I met two of our officials from our British
headquarters. We have now opened branch offices in both Jerusalem,
Jordan, and in Nicosia, Cyprus. Our new mailing addresses in those
areas of the world are Post Office Box 111, Jerusalem, Jordan; and
Post Office Box 2266, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Definite plans have been made for the FIRST BROADCAST FROM
JERUSALEM, at 8:05 P.M., Wednesday night, June 7. I want to do the
very first broadcast from Jerusalem. I am planning to go again to
Jerusalem, and send out this historic broadcast, LIVE, in person
from the studios in Jerusalem. Garner Ted Armstrong will be flying
over, too, and he will send out the second broadcast, in person,
LIVE, on the following night, Thursday, June 8th, at 8:05 P.M.
Thereafter the programs will be broadcast by tape recordings sent
from our studios in Pasadena, Texas, or England.
I have MUCH MORE to say to you about the HISTORY-MAKING
SIGNIFICANCE of this Jerusalem broadcast. Some very exciting
things happened on my recent trip there. New and tremendous
possibilities now appear in prospect. It is absolutely