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Then, I hope it may be God's will that she may rejoin me as my
HELPER in His KINGDOM--although there will be no marriage--no male
and female relationship--in God's Kingdom, for we shall be, as
angels are, SPIRIT BEINGS, so born of GOD!
To all you who have come to a REAWAKENING through her
recent illness, let me plead: CARRY ON, in this spiritually
rejuvenated new LIFE! Never slacken! Never lose COURAGE! Now I
need your help more than ever!
I am NOT grieving, as the unconverted who have no hope (see
I Thessalonians 4:13). I must be, more energetically than ever,
about my Father's business! My "Personal From the Editor" page in
the May PLAIN TRUTH will explain this further. I will not say more
But back, now, to this most important, MOST EXCITING
For many CENTURIES, God has turned His back on Jerusalem.
All these years it has been FORSAKEN by GOD--"trodden down by
Gentiles." Yet, ONCE AGAIN, Jesus Christ is coming in POWER and
GREAT GLORY to Jerusalem!
From there He will set up what all scientists today say is
the ONLY hope of saving this world ALIVE-- W O R L D
G O V E R N M E N T !
Once again, Jerusalem is to be the CAPITOL OF THE EARTH!
There is a prophecy about that in the second chapter of
Isaiah. In these LAST DAYS, it says, the NATION or KINGDOM of
GOD'S HOUSE shall be established above all other nations on earth.
"For," it says, "out of ZION (God's Church--God's PEOPLE) shall go
forth the LAW, and the Word of the ETERNAL from Jerusalem." And
then the nations of the earth shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; there will be WORLD
I wonder if YOU realize the THRILLING part the Eternal GOD
has actually called YOU, personally, to have in fulfilling this
tremendous prophecy!
LISTEN! For this affects YOU, individually!
God BEGAN intervening in WORLD AFFAIRS over 33 years ago,
in the very smallest way at first, with this WORLD TOMORROW
broadcast and The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. This intervention is
PREPARING THE WAY for Christ's coming.
It is restoring the knowledge that SIN is the transgression
of God's Law (I John 3:4). It is, by a preaching of LOVE, showing
the people THEIR SINS! It is making plain WHAT sin is! It is
lifting up its voice like a trumpet, and is CRYING, ALOUD, with the
AMPLIFIED POWER of more than 45 million watts of radio power,
WORLDWIDE! It is fulfilling Isaiah 58:1.