do not have to make effort to sell time---they are too busy turning
down many who want to buy time they do not have to sell. More and
more, radio stations are refusing to accept religious broadcasts.
It is only thru a personal friendship with influential radio-
station representatives, and the fact they LIKE OUR PROGRAM above
all religious programs, that this exceptional offer came, and this
radio man spent the money for a long-distance call clear across the
United States to offer it to me.
But WE MUST ACT AT ONCE. He wants my answer in TEN
DAYS---which means BY RETURN MAIL, after you receive this!
Listen! Almighty God in His PROPHECIES reveals, thru
scores of prophecies---whole chapters and whole BOOKS of
prophecy---the astounding, yet PLAIN truth that OUR NATION IS TO
ETERNAL GOD! Thousands, now, are beginning to SEE this. But I
know of NO ONE ELSE who is WARNING the nation of it---DO YOU? Do
you realize that WHOLE BOOKS, and CHAPTERS of God's precious Word
were inspired, written, and preserved these thousands of years IN
VAIN, unless we are to SHOUT THIS WARNING, NOW? And also THIS
GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM is now to go out to this and ALL nations,
as a witness, just before the end of the Age! WE DARE NOT fail
our God in the Mission to which He has called us!
Now I feel sure many of you can easily DOUBLE the
offering you have been sending for God's Work. Some cannot. But
some can, and those who can will have to send in substantial
increases to make up for those who only send small amounts. God
does not ask any of us to give what we have not got---His method
is giving in proportion to ability---but it is only when those of
larger ABILITY sacrifice proportionately, and a place substantial
sums in God's work that His work can go forth in real POWER! Now
we also have started a SPECIAL FUND---started very small, but
growing---for the PURCHASE of radio equipment in Mexico offered
for sale to us, with which we can establish and own OUR OWN
STATION OF 250,000 watts, the most powerful in the Western
Hemisphere, if not the most powerful on earth! That would give
us all the time we need, EVERY DAY, for the most powerful and
far-reaching evangelistic campaign of all earth's history. It
takes $125,000 to buy and set up this station. If you can,
place at our disposal a large portion or all of this amount, for
IT IS GOD'S WILL! His warning MUST GO FORTH! So remember that
fund, too---and DON'T FORGET our regular expenses now are close
to $1000 per week in this great work of God! Keep your tithes
and generous offerings coming REGULARLY. We must NOT FAIL! Now
for the adding XEG, I do not ask for a binding pledge. I just
ask you to state what you will try to send each week or month, as
God makes possible, and you may be released from further
responsibility in this at any time, for any reason. On that
basis, please fill out, and mail: HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG:
Depending on God I will try to send each ( ) week ( ) month, an
extra, additional offering of $________ per ( ) week ( ) month.
Sign name and address below: