Unless I PUSH you--PULL at you--REMIND you to act in this
DUTY TO GOD AND HIS WORK, you don't go along on God's road--you lie
down and QUIT--you QUIT sending in your SPECIAL offerings, over and
above tithes and regular offerings for the GOSPEL! You let the
PULLS of carnal, worldly interest or pleasures take that money
which ought to go to GOD'S cause!
And then, if I DO remind you, some of you become
OFFENDED--and you gripe and complain, and some of you refuse to
read the letters! No, not some--I am informed from our men all
over that MANY do! In Jesus' name, I say, SHAME ON YOU! You who
are guilty of that!
Now let me bring you up to date on the Building Expansion
By July last year--1966--architect's plans were complete
for the new men's dormitory building on the Pasadena campus. But
because you members were letting down on the PROPERTY FUND, and it
was too far depleted the building had to be cancelled. By October,
we decided the building program--SO VITAL to the Work--had to
proceed. BUT, by that time the need for new CLASSROOMS had become
so critical, it had to take priority over the dormitory. So we
speeded up the architects on plans for the new ACADEMIC QUADRANGLE,
with twin two-story buildings, one on each side, between Ambassador
Hall and the fabulous formal Italian Sunken Garden, which Mr.
Merritt built before that property came to us. One will be the
Life Science Hall, and the other the Fine Arts Building. These we
MUST HAVE before we can accept additional students. Ground
breaking is to take place in a week or two--and construction will
be underway on a big scale. These buildings are to be completed
very shortly after college starts again next fall.
Meanwhile, the need for our Administration Building has
grown to an acute CRISIS. In Mr. Portune's Business Department,
they are having to set desks out in HALLS--three and four desks in
a small room--many offices in old houses we have bought or other
buildings, two, three or five blocks AWAY--when they ought to be
next door, in the SAME BUILDING. God's Work just cannot be carried
on like that.
So we have commissioned the architects to start, full
speed ahead, with plans for the Administration Office Building. We
hope to start construction by JULY.
And we have commissioned another firm of architects to
begin plans at once for the new HOUSE OF GOD--to be the
HEADQUARTERS CHURCH Auditorium for the whole world--the House I
have wanted to build for GOD--on the Pasadena campus. Brethren, we
have already postponed this building more than three years. This
must be a comparatively FINE building--not a cheap one or of
inferior materials. God says if we BUILD (our character) of gold,
silver, and precious stones, our building will be accepted--but if
we build with wood, straw and stubble, it will be BURNED in Gehenna
FIRE! When God gave David the plans for GOD'S TEMPLE which Solomon
was to build at Jerusalem, it was replete with GOLD, SILVER,