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Kingdom and everlasting life! I had been greatly slowed down. I
was coasting on past momentum. In this sore TRIAL of faith, I had
to wake up to realize I was losing faith--it had been dwindling.
I had to humble myself before God. I had to FAST and pray in
deadly earnest. I had to realize my faith was not sufficient. I
had to begin confessing my sin, repenting of this spiritual
lethargy, crying out to God in tears to forgive, have mercy, RENEW
the inflowing and outflowing of His Holy Spirit in me, RESTORE me
to a close walk and fellowship and contact with HIM and with the
living CHRIST my Saviour, my SUPERIOR and HEAD in this Work--and to
GIVE ME, by His grace, more and more of the FAITH of Jesus Christ!
Brethren, I had not realized I was letting down
spiritually. My responsibilities require that I spend much time in
conferences planning big and important projects--yes, even
involving millions of dollars--with not only some of our leading
ministers and executives in God's Work, but with businessmen,
architects, contractors, bankers, radio station executives,
advertising agency executives --important men of the world. Jesus
commissioned us to GO INTO the world to proclaim His Gospel. I
have had to DEAL WITH the world--but Jesus warned us we must not be
OF this world. God has guided me in making wise decisions. The
living Christ has GUIDED this Work--often in spite of me--often
with and through me. He has given me the needed wisdom. I felt
the Work was going along pretty well--DID NOT REALIZE THAT I WAS
SLOWING, spiritually!
What I have said of my own reawakening is pretty much the
story of what has happened to all of those ministers at
Headquarters God has placed in the top positions of authority and
responsibility under me. They, too, have been SHAKEN UP,
drastically, severely! They, too, have humbled themselves, come to
see and confess failings and slippings spiritually. They, too,
have repented, from the heart!
Three times, now, I have gotten these evangelists of God
out of bed early in the morning, and had them dress quickly and
come to my home, where we have assembled in my study and prayer
room. I want to tell you there has been deep and merciless SOUL-
SEARCHING! We have had sessions of fervent, heartrending PRAYER
From these leading ministers, this reawakening is acting
like a CHAIN REACTION right on down to the other ministers, the
student body, and the entire membership of the Headquarters CHURCH,
and the Churches around the world.
From all parts of the world I am receiving letters and
telegrams saying God's people have been SHAKEN, MOVED, made to see
their lukewarmness, their spiritual lethargy and letdown! There is
a MIGHTY REAWAKENING being injected by God's Spirit into the hearts
and minds of God's Church that is spreading WORLDWIDE!
Nothing but the power of God's mighty Holy Spirit could
have produced this! My dear wife did not produce it--the HOLY
SPIRIT did- but God has used her, and her suffering, to GENERATE
it! When news of this reawakening reaches her, she smiles, and