heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound
toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work."
But to those of meager income, God expects only according
to your ability --little from those who have only little means--
much from those who have much. But NEVER think that, if you are
able to give to God's Work only very small amounts, that it would
not help in a Work now growing great and world-wide. IF IT WERE
WORK COULD NOT GO ON! Remember, there are MANY OF YOU--and even a
single dollar in this Work, UNDER CHRIST'S DIRECTION, produces
truly GREAT results for His Kingdom. I want those who are able to
send in only the smallest amounts to know IT HELPS IN A REALLY BIG
WAY--and I am personally very grateful--and I can tell you that God
and the living Jesus Christ are also VERY PLEASED! Remember, in
business, the DIMES spent in the Woolworth stores built a great
multimillion-dollar world-wide business! Every single dollar in
this Work COUNTS!
God DOES prosper the tithers. Remember, that first tenth
of your income is HOLY to the Lord--and it BELONGS to Him--so HE
says, in His Word! God does PROSPER the faithful TITHER! Things
certainly GO BETTER with the tithe payers--financially, and in
other ways!
As a Co-Worker with Christ, and WITH YOU, let me tell you
that the greatest blessing that could possibly come to ME, is this
WONDERFUL privilege of being a Co-Worker with the living CHRIST, in
HIS WORK--and in being, through Him, a child of GOD, and a CO-HEIR
with Christ to INHERIT eternal life, and all that our Heavenly
Father has! WHAT A BLESSING!
The wonderful WORLD TOMORROW will be here in a VERY few
years! We have a VERY few years left in which to finish THIS GREAT
WORK--and THEN,--PEACE on earth at last, and happiness and joy
forever! Let's be sure Jesus Christ finds YOU and me diligent and
BUSY in HIS WORK when He comes--REAL SOON!
For your reply, because it has proved helpful to so many,
I again enclose a stamped self-addressed return envelope. If
convenient for you to add a 3 cent additional stamp, marking the
envelope AIRMAIL, it would speed it to us one to three days
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong