states,---beside Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South
Dakota, Minnesota, and even in the Mountain states.
Now we know, from our mail, exactly which states each
station reaches best. XELO, for instance, gives us our heaviest
audience in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado, North
and South Dakota. It also brings a heavy mail, populations
considered, from all Mountain states, and even all three Coast
states, as well as the entire Middle-West. However, because XELO
is so far west---opposite El Paso, Texas,--it does not deliver
very good reception in the East, and it is good only in spots
thru states like Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc., where
XEG has its heaviest audience. The result is, these two stations
would not duplicate very much in listeners, but XEG would bring
us an entire NEW audience of approximately ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL
LISTENERS, through these very populous and important states.
I believe it will carry the Message to at least a 50%
LARGER audience than XELO gives us, and that station brought us
such a vast audience that it equals all the listeners over WOAI,
KMTR, KXL, KVI, KRNT, and KNET combined! These two Mexican
stations do have TREMENDOUS audiences throughout the United
States! Millions are listening to them---and these are the two
leading, outstanding Mexican stations on the border having large
American audiences.
XEG is located at Monterey, Mexico, south of San Antonio.
It is far East of XELO, and near the very center of the continent.
The very BEST and most expensive time of the whole week
---the time when most people are listening---is between 7:PM and
10:PM. The only time we were able to buy on station WOAI, for
instance, was 11:PM, Central time. That, I fully realize, is very
late. Most of those who would listen have gone to bed. Radio men
estimate we would reach four times as many people at this earlier
time. Consequently, we have to pay four times as much for a half
hour at this earlier, more-listened-to time. IF we were able to
obtain such a good time on WOAI, we should have to pay at least
four times what we do. Now I have been offered the very good time
of 9:30 to 10, Central time, on XEG. I asked for one hour earlier,
8:30 to 9, and was told this very probably could be arranged. The
rate will be just the same as we pay for our half hour on XELO.
Now this is VERY EXPENSIVE TIME. It is the BEST time,
when more people are listening than any time during the week.
These are very powerful stations. They do have---as our experience
with XELO has proved---VERY large audiences. Whereas our mail
indicates we now have between a million and a million and a quarter
people in our vast radio audience EVERY SUNDAY, if I am able now to
add also this 150,000-watt XEG, I am confident it will mean an
audience of between TWO MILLION and TWO AND A HALF MILLION precious
souls hearing the Gospel Message---and God's LAST WARNING to this
people for this age---EVERY WEEK! Can you realize what a
tremendous power that is? Just one great super-power station such
as these, during the best hours of Sunday evening, will give us an
audience fully as large as fifty or seventy-five small local
stations scattered over the country combined, and at only a