Six months later, God started us in the very mission Jesus
foretold in Matthew 24:14. As soon as this Gospel of Christ's
coming Kingdom has gone to ALL NATIONS, the END of this world--this
MAN-made civilization--this present age--shall come!
God did not start us in this, HIS Work, until we had cut
loose from all obligation to MEN--UNTIL I was FREE from being
MUZZLED by any man, group, denomination or organization. NEVER,
since going on the air, have we been muzzled or controlled in any
way, except by the living Christ!
In that manner, GOD started this work. He started it the
very smallest. We were living, then, in Eugene, Oregon. A station
of the very smallest power, KORE, then 100 watts, offered me time,
for only $2.50 per broadcast.
When the door of radio opened before me, I knew God would
not have me beg for money from the public over the air. But also
I knew that God had led Moses to ask for contributions from God's
own People, Israel. I knew the Apostle Paul had asked converted
Christians to GIVE of their means for the support of God's Work
(I Cor. 9; II Cor. 9:5-13; I Cor. 16:1-3; Rom. 15:25-28; etc.).
But NEVER did a prophet, apostle, or true minister of God solicit
contributions from the public--from any but God's own people.
Consequently, I wrote a letter to a couple score of
believers with whom I had enjoyed Christian fellowship for
financial help in raising the necessary $2.50 per week broadcasting
cost. But there was no appeal for financial support over the air
or in The PLAIN TRUTH then, or through the years! Such support has
been asked only of those we recognized as God's people. God has
always supplied the need--often in most unexpected ways!
After three years the Work doubled in size and power--we
were then on TWO 100-watt stations weekly. After six years it had
redoubled; and in three more--1942--that had doubled--then with a
scattered NATIONAL audience!
By 1946 we were outgrowing facilities available in Eugene,
Oregon. It was becoming imperative that the Work be moved
accessible to Hollywood--radio headquarters for the nation. At the
same time, we began to realize that future expansion of the Work
demanded a college for the training of expanding personnel. There
were many reasons why we selected Pasadena as our future site.
Many times during 1946 I searched one end of Pasadena to the other
for a location. One obstacle seemed insurmountable--lack of money!
Then, in early November of that year, the first unit of the
present Ambassador College campus opened in a manner positively
providential. There were no funds even for a down payment. This
property included a four-car garage we could convert into an
Administration office building, and a former residential mansion,
built of institutional rather than residential design, a tennis
court, and beautiful grounds with a lower garden ideal for outdoor
classes, and Commencement exercises.
What happened sounds incredible, I know. It was