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IMPOSSIBLE. There is no commercial radio in Britain. Then, year
before last, Radio London--a radio station on a ship just outside
of British territorial waters, opened up--and the first week in
January, we were reaching Britain DAILY. Then came Radio Caroline,
Radio 390, Radio Scotland, and others. Today the broadcast covers
Britain like it does the United States and Australia!
The British government would not allow CHRIST'S OWN MESSAGE to
be broadcast in the British Isles. The Church of England most
assuredly DOES NOT proclaim it. But the living Christ OPENS DOORS
for His own Work! The British government may brand these ships
"pirates"--which they are NOT--but in due time they are going to
have to confess that the living GOD is not dead--but that HE
allowed these ships to operate as radio stations--AND SO FAR AT
Now look further. Look at the Scandinavian nations! We have
not yet reached those nations--except that the broadcast in the
English language has been heard by a FEW in these countries. But
God has sent native-born Scandinavian men to Ambassador College in
England. We ourselves did not bring them--they came with-out any
activity on OUR part.
Look at the nations in the Middle East--the Arab-speaking
world. We have not, so far, been able to reach them. But a young
man came to Ambassador College in England from Iraq. He will soon
graduate. He is very zealous--and his heart is HEAVY with the
burden for getting Christ's Message to his native countrymen and
all the Middle Eastern peoples! He is gathering information for
the purchase of whole page advertising space in magazines reaching
those people--and putting Christ's Message in those pages.
I could cite you HUNDREDS of such incidents. They fall into
a definite progressive PATTERN. No one, knowing all these things,
could say they all just HAPPENED as accidental coincidents! They
ACTIVELY DIRECTING THIS WORK! He is constantly, as we become ready
to step through, OPENING DOORS for His Message to go to the whole
This great Work is not MAN'S doing--yet Christ is using humans
as HIS INSTRUMENTS in doing it. What we cannot do of ourselves, He
does FOR us. The rest He does THROUGH us! He has DRAFTED YOU, and
me, and others, into His service. We are privileged to HAVE A PART
in God's very own Work!--the very most important activity on earth
today! More than 30 million people are now HEARING the powerful
Message every week--AROUND THE WORLD!
THINK OF IT! Communists--some of them at least--are literally
inspired to great sacrifice, hard work, running all risks in 5th
column sabotage, organizing riots, in the false and deluded notion
that they are HELPING--having a part--in changing the world! There
is an old saying: "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who
never to himself hath said, 'This is my own--my native land!'"
Doesn't that STIR you to say: "Breathes there a Co-Worker in God's
Work, with gratitude so dead, who never to himself hath said, 'How