out HIS PURPOSE here below! There IS design--so tremendous that
the actual potentiality of man is transcendentally beyond anything
the natural mind can comprehend! Soon blinded minds will be opened
to that REALITY!
This very soon-coming WORLD TOMORROW is going to drastically
affect YOUR life! And very happily so!
Who are we--who proclaim the BIG NEWS of the WORLD TOMORROW on
the most powerful radio program on earth, worldwide? Who are we
who publish The PLAIN TRUTH, read by two and a half million all
around the world? Who are we that operate the three beautiful,
cultural campuses of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in California, Texas and
England--where students scintillate, radiate happiness, enjoy a
foretaste of the World Tomorrow? We are a voice in the wilderness
of ignorance, deception, frustrations and lost hopes, preparing the
way for the coming of Christ and the Kingdom of God. We are a
light in the darkness, realizing fully that men, as in Jesus' day,
still love darkness rather than the light--but proclaiming the
TRUTH as a witness, none-the-less, in spite of opposition,
persecution and false accusation.
WHAT A PRIVILEGE! Yes, we are painfully aware of the pitiful
conditions of so much of suffering humanity--we are heartsick and
moved with sorrow and deep compassion. Yet we are PRIVILEGED to
herald, in the power of the living GOD, the GOOD NEWS of the
deliverance and healing of these wretched peoples, thus helping
SPEED that day--helping in the only way humans may help, now. And
so we REJOICE and are OVERJOYED also!
Many times, in these Semi-Annual letters, I have answered the
questions we are always being asked: WHO is back of us?--WHO
sponsors us?--What denomination are we?--"What's the catch?"--etc.,
etc. There is no "catch." We are not denominational, even as
Jesus Christ was not. This great worldwide Work of God is
sponsored only by the LIVING GOD, who some mixed-up, deceived and
ignorant people seem to think is dead. It is conducted HIS WAY.
There is nothing else on earth like it--and that's why we do have
some persecutors--but we never persecute in return!
We have been blessed with TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING that is
bringing undreamed-of happiness and well-being to uncounted
thousands. We want to SHARE the blessed TRUTH and all these
blessings from God with as many as desire it. We rely solely on
the living GOD for guidance, direction and support. We never
solicit the public for financial help. We have nothing to sell.
Incredible? Yes, but that's the way it is!
Meanwhile, we are, once again, privileged to offer you
something very SPECIAL, very valuable, without any cost--even for
the postage--if you would like to have it.
Let me tell you about it. This all began almost eight years
ago. It came to be one of the most exciting, most thrilling, most
gratifying events of my life.
For years--since the beginning of The WORLD TOMORROW and The