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The three Ambassador Colleges have far outgrown their
facilities! We are now in the midst of a MOST NECESSARY, direly
needed building expansion program! Unless these colleges grow, the
Work of God can't grow. And these colleges can't grow without
additional buildings for classrooms, laboratories, assembly halls,
dormitories, dining halls, and administration offices!
But EVERY CENT of your tithes and regular offerings is
needed to expand the broadcasts -- to print more thousands of PLAIN
TRUTH magazines -- to purchase advertising space in big-circulation
magazines and put Christ's Message in that space -- to GO ON
TELEVISION again, which we are hoping to do in a BIG way in the
next year or two.
We simply can't continue this new building program UNLESS
there is a substantial increase in the special Building Fund. And
unless we can continue the building program, the colleges can't
accept additional students. And unless the colleges grow, THE WORK
A year ago, and the years before that, I asked our
Co-Workers to send me a special STATEMENT OF INTENTION to
contribute at least once a month an extra, SPECIAL offering,
beside, and over and above your tithes and regular special
offerings for the Gospel Work. But these special BUILDING FUND
offerings have been dwindling.
Now the time has come when I,must again ask for these
special STATEMENT OF INTENTION cards for the coming year.
This is NOT a definite pledge. It is merely a statement
that you will undertake, as God makes possible, to send in this
stated SPECIAL AMOUNT as a separate offering, for this special
Building Fund. If, for any reason your income stops or is reduced,
or you are prevented from sending in this special amount month by
month, YOU ARE NOT BOUND. It is a statement of intention ONLY --
and I will trust you to keep it up, as you are able.
LET ME EMPHASIZE -- I realize that some of our Co-Workers
may be UNABLE to make this special contribution because they are on
some form of public welfare aid, or limited pension, or other
reason. I do not expect such people to return this card. I do not
want such people to feel badly because they can't. But if you are
unable, you ARE able to PRAY, and thus cause others financially
able to make up for it! But the very fact that some are not
financially able lays the burden that much heavier on us who ARE
able to do our part.
This building program is VITALLY IMPORTANT! Our new
gymnasium has been in use day and night, literally seven days a
week! Besides the complete college athletic program, the gym is
used for College chapel services, Bible studies, student Forums
and Assemblies, for Chorale recitals and Band presentations. Only
days ago, we conducted commencement exercises inside the gym for
the Graduate Schools of Theology and Education, conferring two
DOCTORATES and one Master's Degree!