The scientists can't save it!
Armies can't save it! MAN can't save it!
BUT JESUS CHRIST CAN--AND WILL! Nothing but supernatural
divine power can now SAVE this world from extinction! Those who
scoff at Christ--at a divine Creator and a Savior--are faced with
this frightful dilemma: UNLESS there is the living Christ who is
soon coming to SAVE the world, then in very few years, now, THEY
what MEN would do!
Yet, dear Co-Worker, here at the most vital time of all,
thousands who have been Co-Workers in this Work are NEGLECTING
Christ and His Work--and while supposing they are giving gifts FOR
HIS BIRTHDAY, they are, in actual fact, deserting Christ, or
cutting down on their part in His Work, and merely EXCHANGING
presents with OTHER HUMANS!
I tell you solemnly, by authority of the living Jesus Christ,
that NO ONE will be spending any money in Christmas shopping in a
few more years. Christ is COMING--very SOON! The world will then
learn that Christmas is NOT Jesus' birthday--that neither God nor
the Bible nor the Apostles ever told us to celebrate His
birthday--that it is a PAGAN celebration, and actually not
Christian by Christ's authority at all! I hope that telling you
that TRUTH does not offend you--but I have to tell you, solemnly
and IN LOVE, that JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF will soon tell that to the
WHOLE WORLD--when He comes!
Everyone--EVERY ONE--is going to have to face Christ in the
Judgment! There isn't much more time! Time is running out--FAST!
God's Work IS IN GREAT NEED! Jesus Christ is ALIVE--and He
has drafted YOU--and me--as His Co-Workers, to support and to carry
on as His instruments, HIS OWN GREAT WORK! We must put it FIRST!
Even if you already have sent an offering--or your tithes--
this month, could you, without undue hardship on yourself, send
another--a GENEROUS one? Or a loan of a larger amount, if you are
not free to give it? That money will help reach MILLIONS with
Christ's own MESSAGE! And Jesus Christ BLESSES those whose hearts
--and treasure--are IN HIS WORK! THAT'S the way to REAL good cheer
and JOY right now!
I'm having to send this AIRMAIL. The mails are clogged and
delayed right now. So, please, send it back by AIRMAIL. God is
blessing you!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong