Midwest opened its doors--and now we were purchasing 51,400 watts
of radio power weekly. By 1945 superpower Mexican stations opened,
and we began DAILY broadcasting. The power wattage was
Today The WORLD TOMORROW is going out on every inhabited
continent, around the world, on more than 28 MILLION watts of radio
power weekly. More than 30 MILLION people listen every week--the
most powerful program on radio on earth today! In a month we shall
celebrate our 32nd anniversary on the air!
Of course, just as other religionists persecuted Jesus over
1900 years ago, so do they persecute the very Work HE is directing,
TODAY. He said, "IF they have persecuted me, they will persecute
you," to His disciples. As others falsely accused Him then, so
they do His Work today. Some will even sell you--FOR A PRICE--
false information purported to be ALL ABOUT this Work, and about me
personally. Some say falsely I'm a former Jehovah's Witness, a
former Seventh-day Adventist, a former this or that. They are
either ignorant of the facts or deliberately seeking to deceive.
T have NEVER been any of those. If you want the TRUTH, just ask
me--I keep telling our subscribers continually--AND NEVER ANY
PRICE! I was brought up from birth in the Quaker church. My
family had been Quakers--just like that of ex-President Herbert
Hoover--for some three hundred years, and perhaps from the start of
Quakerism. I drifted from any church activity or regular
attendance by age 18. When I was married, my wife and I joined the
Methodist church at River Forest, Illinois. After a year or two we
moved, and I dropped church attendance or any religious
affiliation, until my conversion in the spring of 1927. Then
CHRIST baptized me into His own Church--the Church of God!
I have NEVER had any other church or religious affiliation or
interest or connection in any way. Now, for those who persist in
false accusation, I will offer to pay $10,000 to anyone who can
PROVE the false claim that I was once a member of any religious
group except those here mentioned.
We in this Work NEVER accuse others or persecute. Nor, except
to explain, as above, do we even answer them. Jesus Christ NEVER
did those things. He is the SAME today, and He, in us, simply does
not throw mud, false accusation, or persecution today.
We never ask you to believe us--but BELIEVE GOD'S TRUTH.
Search the BIBLE. Believe what you find there. If you must sit in
judgment of this Work, JUDGE IT BY ITS FRUITS, as God instructs.
For nearly 32 years now, we have been enabled to GIVE Christ's
precious Gospel--the full and plain BIBLE TRUTH--without begging
for contributions over the air--without charging for anything we
Last year at this time we were able to offer all our
subscribers--utterly FREE of any cost--even for postage--our new
340-page book on sex and marriage, titled GOD SPEAKS OUT on "The
New Morality." More than a quarter of a million copies were sent
out. A second printing was required. A very few thousand copies