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not!!--$22,400. And those grounds included the formal garden in
front, with its costly urns and its aviary; the breath taking rose
garden--the largest and finest rose garden I have ever seen; the
exotic Japanese garden, which is absolutely the most beautiful
garden I have ever seen, and makes one wonder how the Garden of
Eden could have surpassed it in beauty; the large informal but
gloriously beautiful English sunken garden; and the wide stretch of
beautiful lawns, with the stately huge and magnificent cedars of
Of course we have since added more acreage, bringing the
college grounds up to about 180 acres. This included a number of
horse stables, and cow barns which we have remodeled into offices,
dormitories, dining hall and classrooms. All this was purchased
at far below current market value, and the conversion of the
stables and barns into functional use cost only a very small
fraction of what new buildings would have cost.
Let me tell you, dear Co-Workers, I know of NO PLACE in the
world where every dollar is made to stretch SO FAR, and where SO
MUCH is obtained for SO LITTLE! Of course it does cost a lot of
money to operate such a large WORLDWIDE and powerful Work. But
what I want our Co-Workers to UNDERSTAND is that our Living Christ
has opened doors and guided us into being able to make fantastic
savings--to operate at TOP EFFICIENCY on a comparative low cost
that is almost unbelievable.
By enlarging our own printing department at Pasadena, we are
now SAVING, on the cost of publishing The PLAIN TRUTH alone--beside
many other savings--$15,000 every month!
The new gymnasium, natatorium and physical education facility
at Pasadena is the most beautiful building of its kind any of us,
or any of our visitors, have ever seen--YET, it cost NO MORE than
the ordinary barn-like "UN-beautiful" average gymnasium. The
difference was in the KNOW-HOW, and careful selection of architects
and builders.
At the new campus in Texas, we have been using already
existing buildings so far.
But now the time has come when the whole Work of God cannot go
on, and continue its normal GROWTH, unless we do now, at last,
enter on a program of new building expansion. We are DOUBLING the
enrollment of students at the Texas college this week, with a new
freshman class larger than the entire Student Body of last year.
Now we are forced to build new dormitories, a dining hall, class-
room buildings. These students simply have to have a place to
sleep, eat, study, and attend classes.
And yet many of our Co-Workers are slacking off in their
special and ADDITIONAL offerings, over and above tithes and
offerings for the broadcasting, publishing, and personal ministry
in the Gospel Work.
When I asked those who were willing to send in a statement of
intent for this SPECIAL building fund--at the beginning of this