executive duties are my part along with our well-organized active
And making it all possible, by tithes and offerings, and
joining us in earnest prayer for the Work--that is our Co-Workers'
part. Together this forms GOD'S TEAM!
TREMENDOUS results are being accomplished!
WHAT A PRIVILEGE God grants to YOU and me, to be a real part
of His Work--His special Work for this time! His End-Time Work,
just before the END of the world, preparing the way for the COMING
OF JESUS CHRIST back to earth as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords!
Yes, preparing the way for the NEXT WORLD--THE HAPPY, PEACEFUL
We should thank and praise God continually-every day-for
calling us, and allowing us to work WITH the glorified CHRIST in
His great world-wide activity! Of course reaching 30 MILLION
PEOPLE every week does cost money! It does require sacrifice,
and giving up some other things on the part of us all. But God
promises to BLESS those who pay into His Work their honest
tithes--the first tenth of income--and the giving of generous
offerings besides. God prospers those who serve Him. Let us be
diligent, and pray that God will prosper us until we have more to
give for His Work! Truly it is a JOY!
This month the tithes and offerings are falling behind the
needed 30 per cent increase over last year, as they did two months
ago. Will you PRAY EARNESTLY that God will make it possible for
us--and make us all willing--to INCREASE the financial need for His
And again, let me remind those who have larger sums on
hand--500 or a thousand dollars or more--if you can GIVE it it is
seriously needed right now. If you do not feel free, at this time,
to give it as an offering to the Work, then send it in as a LOAN
--let it be working where Christ Himself is working, between now
and the time when you may have to use it.
For the remainder of this month,and on through next month,
let's make SPECIAL EFFORT to send in something extra!
Thank you, dear Co-Workers with CHRIST,
Sincerely, with love in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong