The WORLD TOMORROW six or seven times a week! Look at it! The
WORLD TOMORROW goes AROUND THE WORLD--over South America, Africa,
Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, Central America, the
islands of the Pacific.
Take the republic of South Africa. There they hear The WORLD
TOMORROW six nights a week. A British survey showed that The WORLD
TOMORROW is the MOST LISTENED-TO radio program in South Africa!
Also, a large-size FULL-PAGE message appears every other
issue of their mass-circulation pictorial magazine (like LIFE in
U.S.A.). Also we maintain a well-staffed office in Johannesburg,
with three ordained ministers kept busy with personal counseling
with the many who request spiritual help toward salvation.
On the world's most powerful station, Radio Luxembourg, we not
only reach all Britain two nights a week on the English- language
famous "208" dial spot--but also the French-language WORLD TOMORROW
program reaches ALL FRANCE, BELGIUM, and French-speaking peoples of
Europe FOUR TIMES A WEEK. Two of these four have just this month
opened to us! Our French-language broadcast also reaches all
Europe three times a week over the superpower Radio Europe No. One.
We maintain an office staff in Geneva to receive the HEAVY mail
from French-speaking people, and mail out requested
literature promptly. Then there is the French-language edition of
The PLAIN TRUTH--did you realize that?
Now look at GERMANY--and German-speaking peoples in Europe!
The German-language WORLD TOMORROW program reaches ALL GERMANY, and
German-speaking Europe, FIVE TIMES A WEEK over Radio Luxembourg
German-language band. TWO of these broadcast periods have just
recently opened to us. Then there is the German-language edition
of The PLAIN TRUTH! And also ordained German-speaking ministers in
Germany, with our German offices in Duesseldorf. Even the EAST
Germans are GETTING THE MESSAGE. We publish a very special India-
paper thin edition of the German-language PLAIN TRUTH for reaching
our MANY, MANY readers in Communist East Germany! The heavy-weight
regular edition would be detected and destroyed by the Communist
And now, beginning this year, the great 50,000-watt new
station RADIO LONDON! For years thousands have prayed for God to
OPEN A WAY for the British to hear The WORLD TOMORROW every night.
It really took a MIRACLE. We have a MIRACLE-WORKING CHRIST! And
you are a Co-Worker with HIM! Now HE has opened up this powerful
station, reaching all Britain EVERY NIGHT, seven nights a week, at
7:00. The response is growing rapidly week by week!
Yes, around the world, 28 million people are hearing Christ's
precious message every week! When you hear Garner Ted Armstrong or
me say: "GREETINGS, Friends around the world "--it MEANS around the
world! It means every inhabited continent on earth! It means both
northern and southern hemispheres.
And it 's all FREE! No one pays to HEAR! Some two million
people now read every issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. And NO ONE PAYS TO