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TRUTH. You cannot pay for your own subscription. Every month, in
the United States, we return hundreds of dollars to readers who
send in money to pay for their subscription, or to pay for other
literature -- and in Britain we do the same -- return every
shilling if sent to PAY FOR the magazine or literature. Recently
we even offered, FREE, a complete book -- a quality book of 324
pages -- and sent out 250,000 copies (a quarter of a MILLION)
absolutely FREE.
Many people have been receiving The PLAIN TRUTH for many
years, and have never sent us a penny, nor been ASKED for any
contributions. Yet we are accused of being "cash-conscious."
How, then, are we financed? Do we have any money? It does
take a great deal of money to be able to purchase more wattage of
radio broadcasting power than anyone on earth -- to publish such s
fine magazine with a circulation reaching TWO MILLION people -- to
send out, FREE, with NO TUITION CHARGE, the Ambassador College
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE to more than 65,000 students -- to send out
literally tons and tons of attractive booklets and books. It does
take money -- a lot of it -- to finance and maintain THREE COLLEGES
with several hundred resident students. It does cost money to
maintain ordained ministers numbering into the hundreds, on all
continents of the earth, to visit and counsel with thousands of
people who request such visits, counselling and help. Absolutely
no one ever calls on any radio listener or PLAIN TRUTH reader
UNLESS requested by them, and without any urging or persuading from
As a matter of fact, the operating expenses of this great work
would put us on a basis within the first ten of the largest
universities in the United States -- and, I should imagine Oxford,
Cambridge, or the University of London -- though I have no
knowledge whatever of the extent of their operating expenditures.
We are NOT a small organization, but an old-established, world-wide
organization of standing, integrity and of major size.
Then, WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? It comes from those who
have, voluntarily and without solicitation or urging become of
their own accord and free-will, either Co-Workers, or Church
members. But do we, as falsely accused, "DEMAND TITHES?" WE DO
Many of our members -- those whom we recognize as having been
put into His Church by the living Jesus Christ - do NOT tithe.
There most certainly is NOT any-one standing "at the door demanding
tithes." There is no inspection -- no checking-up system -- of
determining who tithes and who does not. Some of our Co-Workers --
those who do voluntarily support this Work, but are not members --
or may be members of the Church of England, or the Methodist,
Baptist, Presbyterian or any other Church -- or no Church at all --
some of them do voluntarily tithe. We have no way of knowing how
many. But probably most of them DO NOT! Most assuredly we do not
require or demand it!
BIBLE! And the Bible teaches tithing from Genesis up to and