earth and all life on it come by evolution? I had to KNOW! I had
to have it PROVED!
By the laws of Science -- by the presence of existing FACTS --
by sheer logic and REASON -- by many infallible PROOFS, it was
PROVED to me that Almighty God the Creator does exist. Next came
the question: "CAN I BELIEVE THE BIBLE?" I had to see it PROVED.
I found it PROVED in the PROPHECIES which have been fulfilled. I
found it PROVED by many other absolute proofs.
That gave me a FOUNDATION. God speaks with AUTHORITY in the
Bible! Now I had a source of AUTHORITY on which to rely. Next
came the question, "WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY?"
I was dumbfounded to discover that in boyhood Sunday School
days, I had been taught in many basic doctrines, the precise
opposite of what the Bible plainly teaches. I was astonished to
find that, taken to mean what it plainly says, THE BIBLE MAKES
SENSE! It became the most interesting study of my life. I saw
that I had to surrender my will to GOD. I did. I accepted CHRIST.
I was baptized in a Baptist Church, though I did not join it. My
understanding was opened by receiving God's Holy Spirit -- just as
God promises all minds may be. Now I could begin to UNDERSTAND the
Bible. It was a thrilling experience.
I had started this study to try to prove to my wife that -- as
I then put it -- "All these Churches can't be wrong." When I found
that the generally-accepted ideas of "Christianity" are contrary to
what the Bible plainly teaches. I asked "But WHERE is the TRUE
Church -- the very one that was founded by CHRIST?" Up to
then I had supposed Christ was all divided -- that all these
Churches are His, even though split up into hundreds of sects and
denominations -- every one believing and practicing differently
than all the others. I read in the Bible that Christ's true Church
would be a "Little Flock," persecuted, not a big Church acclaimed
by the world. But also I read that it would never cease to exist.
I found a Church that had more Biblical truth than any other
I could find. It was called the Church of God. That is the true
Bible name. Although it had several thousand members scattered
over the earth, and actually traced even its recent history back
past 1865, it was not a great worldly power with many millions of
Actually, the last thing in the world I should have wanted to
do would have been to become a Minister of the Gospel. I had been
in the newspaper, magazine and advertising business. But Church
members began urging me to speak before them. For quite a while I
refused. But what I had learned, in the Bible, filled me with such
interest and such HUNGER for truth, and such zeal, that I continued
my STUDY of the Bible almost night and day. I had never been so in
earnest about anything in my life. The Bible was the VERY WORD OF
THE LIVING GOD! I looked on it with AWE! A great deal of the time
I studied, actually on my knees, mixing Bible study with prayer.
After a while I found a truth I knew these Church people did
not understand. In my enthusiasm to SHARE new light with them, I