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people! Consequently He did NOT reorganize His people, or
establish any government, ecclesiastical or civil, among them!
This the New Testament Scriptures, also, abundantly prove!
God had proposed to demonstrate, thru His people, what
blessings and prosperity would naturally follow a civilization
based upon HIS laws. And ALL the laws hang on that great basic
principle of LOVE---love to God, and love to neighbor. The
principle of "GIVE" and of "SERVE", not of "GET" and "ACCUMULATE."
But, when His people Israel would not continue governing
themselves according to His laws, based on this great fundamental
principle, God turned authority of government over to the
Gentiles, and gave them 2520 years to DEMONSTRATE, by experience,
the fruitage of the Gentile ways of lust.
The 2520 years is now up. The Times of the Gentiles have run
their course. And just LOOK at the results of this Babylonish
Gentile civilization! Governments are overthrown, and now arming
to the tooth to destroy one another. Business and industry is
bankrupt under the principle of competition and strife and
self-gain, want and poverty stalk the land, and millions are in
want in the midst of plenty! Society is rotten and immoral,
crime, racketeering, vice, gambling, run rampant. Religion is in
confusion, torn by strife and division, in the grip of the
GENTILE system of injecting ORGANIZATION and GOVERNMENT into the
Church! Truly, in its every phase, our modern civilization is in
BABYLON today!
Praise God, JESUS IS SOON COMING! Yes, coming to RESTORE the
kingdom---the government, the organization, to the TRUE people of
God! Coming to DESTROY all this "BABYLON" which has visited such
unhappiness to the world! Coming to reign and rule!
THE 12, THE 70, AND THE 7
But, did not Jesus SET THE CHURCH IN ORDER? Did He not
REORGANIZE it again, at His First Coming? Did He not set up a
definite "BIBLE FORM OF ORGANIZATION," and establish a definite
We have always ASSUMED He did! Yes, we have taken this
carelessly for granted! But let us prove THIS point---let us prove
ALL THINGS! Let us search the Scriptures whether this assumption
be so!
First, did Christ ever set up an ORGANIZATION, with its boards
of HEAD MEN, with authority to GOVERN over the "spiritual affairs,"
or the "FINANCIAL AFFAIRS" of the Church?
Let us see if we can find such boards, or Scriptures giving
them such authority.
True, Jesus did call out TWELVE disciples, who afterward were
called "Apostles." But WHERE in the Scripture are they called "THE
BOARD OF THE TWELVE"---a term we hear freely used today, under
claim of having "the BIBLE form of organization."
WHERE do we read of one of them being appointed as the
Is THIS Biblical and Scriptural? If so, where is the text?
When Jesus called them, and ordained them, did He give them
AUTHORITY TO RULE? Just what did He give them POWER and AUTHORITY
to do?
Notice it, in Luke 9:1-2:
"Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them