Finally, I have to tell you our Co-workers are slackening
again in sending in tithes and offerings for God's great and
glorious work. My, how glad I'll be when the money system is
abolished and we do not have to use money any longer! You can't
begin to know how I dread--and always put off till last--
acquainting our Co-workers with this financial NEED. I never do
until the situation is DESPERATE. But I know you understand I
never so much as MENTION the need of money, let alone beg for it,
over the air. We send The PLAIN TRUTH and other free literature
to 35,000 different homes, yet more than 32,000 of them have never
had any request for money in any form whatsoever. You are one who
voluntarily became one of our Co-Workers, and this BULLETIN goes
only to our little inner family of Co-Workers, who are the ONLY
ONES, aside from God, I can acquaint with this need. I never take
up offerings in church services, or public meetings.
But GOD'S WORK is again in dire need. That ought not to be.
There ought to be PLENTY to carry this work constantly into bigger
fields of service--plenty to start now adding short-wave stations
one by one to carry the Gospel AROUND THE WORLD. And an important
consideration is that these short-wave stations carry the Message
to our boys in the service OVERSEAS. It's the only way we can
reach THEM. Shall we do it? They are facing death--thousands of
them hungering for God's TRUTH just now. This work of God NEEDS
MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS JUST NOW. Expenses are increasing.
Beginning last Sunday the cost of sending the broadcast to Southern
California over KMTR nearly doubled, now almost triple what it was
up to a year ago! It depends upon Southern California Co-workers
whether we can even continue to send out the precious Message in
this important section!
Listen, dear Co-Workers, won't you PRAY, earnestly,
prevailingly, believingly, for me, and for his work? You can't
know the trials and problems we face in conducting it. Yet its
as much your work as mine--we are Co-Workers together for GOD. I
NEED your prayers, SO MUCH! Please don't forget! If we'd all pray
enough, I know God would lay it on the hearts of a few, who can, to
place some really large gifts of from one to several thousand
dollars in God's work, right now, when it is needed so sorely.
There are some who CAN. But it's HARD to part with that much
money, even tho one has it. It will take earnest and prevailing
PRAYER on our part, and then God will help them do it, and lay up
treasure in heaven instead of keeping it invested or stored up in
this uncertain, and doomed world. God is our only REAL security
today. Will YOU take upon yourself the burden to PRAY to this end?
Our united prayers alone can keep this great work going and
growing. We must not fail our Saviour in this solemn hour. I know
YOU will sent in at once--by AIR-mail if possible--the very largest
amount you possibly can. And whether it's a dollar, or several
thousand, God knows the ability of each of us, and He expects us to
give as we are ABLE--He does not expect us to give what we do not
have. Remember to PRAY! My heart is filled with gratitude for
your interest, your sacrifice, your prayers. Thank you, and GOD
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,