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reception was even poorer at that hour, and they reserved the later
night time for commercial sponsors.
But THIS IS GOD'S WORK, not man's. Jesus Christ is the living
and guiding HEAD of this Work. He says HE is the one who opens
doors (Rev. 3:7-8) through which to carry His Gospel to the peoples
of Europe (Col. 4:3; II Cor. 2:12-13).
We couldn't see HOW -- or when -- the door of DAILY
BROADCASTING to all Britain could be opened. In England, as in
European countries, THE GOVERNMENT controls all radio broadcasting.
The only radio stations in Britain are the GOVERNMENT-controlled
BBC. And the British GOVERNMENT supports only the official
GOVERNMENT-religion -- the Church of England.
True, there is the powerful radio Luxembourg in the tiny
country of Luxembourg, actually owned in Paris, and 100%
Roman-Catholic dominated -- and they have allowed a small amount of
non-Catholic religious broadcasts at listening-hours they have felt
not harmful to Catholic interests. This station had opened to
The World Tomorrow to allow TWO programs a week in the German
language, beamed on Germany and Austria, and one French-language
program a week, beamed on France -- and at very early morning
periods. Then also Radio Europe Number One had opened for three
French-language programs a week -- also at very early morning
We know the British are God's Birthright people Ephraim. We knew
God would not neglect to get HIS LAST WARNING MESSAGE to Ephraim!
About two years ago there was considerable talk in England
about a so-called "pirate" ship radio station, anchored just
outside British territorial waters. But it never seemed to get
going. Garner Ted Armstrong went over to interview the promoters.
But neither he nor our London advertising agency felt it offered
anything desirable for us. Then last spring two well-financed
operations with substantial and reputable backing actually
succeeded in getting on the air from so-called "pirate" ships. One
was called Radio Caroline, the other Radio Atlanta. They each put
out about 5,000 watts of power. We could hear them clearly out at
the college, but not within the congestion of London proper. These
two later consolidated. There was some negotiation through our
advertising agency, but we did not go on.
Meanwhile, the largest of all these operations -- Radio LONDON
-- strongly backed by responsible men and adequate capital -- had
been waiting for these other ship-broadcasters to break the ice.
When Radio Caroline opened last year, there was a great furor
in London papers. The government did everything they could to stop
it. But it turned out that the radio Caroline lawyers had surveyed
the situation thoroughly. They were sure of their ground. They
were doing nothing illegal. They were breaking NO LAW! They were
broadcasting from the open sea -- INTERNATIONAL WATERS -- belonging
to NO nation. The British government has NO JURISDICTION beyond