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later the radio phase of the work started on one of the smallest
stations in the United States--only 100 watts--in one small
community. But God blessed it from the start, and for nearly
eleven years it has grown steadily, tho thru much opposition, with
much persecution, encountering constant trial and test and
difficulty which has been hurled ONLY by answered prayer by OUR
GOD--it has grown to national scope. Hundreds have been converted
--even atheists. Uncounted thousands have heard the TRUTH and have
been helped.
But did Jesus intend the preaching of His Gospel to remain
small in power and scope of members reached? His parting command
to His disciples was, "Go ye, therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS."
And again, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to
every creature." Now every thing in the operation of God's Plan is
DUAL in fulfillment. The disciples of that first century lived in
a smaller world than we today. But they DID carry His Gospel to
But the prophesied great apostasy set in. During the middle
Dark Ages the light of God's TRUTH--the Gospel Message Jesus had
brought from the Father and preached--was snuffed out, except for
its preservation thru the written Word of God. And Satan, arch-
deceiver, god of this world, has succeeded in blinding the eyes of
men, until even the Protestant reformation has resulted in hundreds
of differing and disagreeing teachings and denominations. The
original Gospel JESUS PREACHED people seldom hear today!
Now we have reached the TIME OF THE END. We are the last
generation of this age! And, just as the early disciples did carry
Jesus' Message to all the world of that day, so Jesus prophetically
commanded for NOW: "This Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached in
all the world for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS; and then shall the
END come." WORLD WARS have started (verse 7)--after 1914 and 1939.
Now for centuries that Gospel has not been preached! It's
the ONLY true Gospel--the Message Jesus brought and preached--the
one His first-century disciples DID carry to all the world of that
day. Today that which is being preached around the world is a
DIFFERENT gospel--a preaching which DENIES the GOSPEL OF THE
KINGDOM. The Message of this KINGDOM is the Message of Christ as
Saviour, but it's MORE than that. It's the Message of the coming
KING, to establish GOD'S KINGDOM, which shall replace all present
kingdoms and governments on earth, and rule over all peoples.
The whole, pure Gospel OF THE KINGDOM is not being preached today
to all the world for a witness to ALL NATIONS, and it has not
been preached since Jesus' first-century disciples carried it!
Now today we live in a much larger world. This Gospel of
the Kingdom must now go to ALL nations--between now and the END
of the age (Matt. 24:14). Our time is SHORT! Radio men from
Hollywood, just returned from a national convention of radio-
station owners and managers in Chicago, tell me there was a
decided increasingly hostile attitude toward religious broad-
casting. More and more radio stations, under pressure of powerful,