CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, involve wrong uses of sex. The Biblical
revelation about sex is connected directly with the true GOSPEL!
For these reasons, a proper book, suitable as a textbook
in the college, should be a production of CHRIST'S MINISTRY,
through the Graduate School of Theology, in close collaboration,
for physical details, with Dr Merrill.
The work was begun--but other matters seemed to require
priority, and progress was slow. Our beloved Dr Merrill died in
1958, before the work could be completed, though he had already
contributed the physical portion of the material needed for the
book. Collaboration was continued, however, with his successors as
college physician.
Once the material was assembled, the actual writing
became primarily my own contribution to the work. This only
delayed further the completion of the work, for my responsibilities
are many--and they seem to have had a habit of increasing
progressively through the years. Other pressing duties always
seemed to claim priority on my time.
Finally, this past April, Mrs Armstrong and I were
sailing again to England for the third term of Ambassador College
in Britain. I decided, then, this work could not longer be
postponed. It had to be "NOW or never!" That is why four issues
of The PLAIN TRUTH already have omitted the installments of the
Autobiography, as well as other articles I would otherwise have
written. In order to devote myself, with all available time, to my
part of this work, I gave it priority over other writing.
At last this long-awaited, vitally needed book is going
to press. Never has there been a book on this subject remotely
like it. I'm sure you will agree it reveals astonishing TRUTH.
Yes, the facts it reveals are shocking, staggering. It
also reveals the God-ordained RIGHT purposes and uses of sex--never
taught in either the older repressive codes, nor in today's moral
erosion. It contains the PLAIN TRUTH the whole world should have
had many centuries ago! And it is, properly, BASED on the Biblical
revelation, and it speaks frankly and plainly!
But now, in making this seriously NEEDED book available
to you (it's FREE, of course)--we are confronted with a serious
problem. Because of attitudes still held by many in regard to any
mention of sex, we cannot chance offending any parents by sending
this book to unmarried minors.
Most emphatically, the TRUTH on this vital subject
contained in this book OUGHT to be known by every young person of
13 years and older. Young people NEED God's right instruction so
that they might understand WHY the physical contacts termed
"necking" or "petting" are WRONG--not good for them, and also are
sinful in the sight of GOD.
NO ONE ought ever to enter in the marriage relation
without the frank, plain, and yet cleanly and properly written