As the membership grows, requiring more tabernacles, the tenth
of the second tithe money will grow in exact proportion. It will
total, CUMULATIVELY, about seven and a half million dollars in the
next seven years. Thus it seems GOD has provided the way to solve
the problem of providing a PLACE in future years for the Feast of
Therefore, as CHRIST'S Minister, directly under Him in
authority over His Church, I do now call on EVERY MEMBER to send
in, immediately, marked FESTIVAL FUND, a tenth of your second tithe
since the last Festival---and I would appreciate it very much, if
you will estimate the total amount of your second tithe for the
whole year, up to this next Feast of Tabernacles, and send in NOW
this tenth of this whole year's second tithe. Or, in any event,
send in a tenth of your second tithe on the first of each month, or
on your pay day.
This, remember, is entirely APART FROM, and IN ADDITION TO,
your SPECIAL free-will offerings for the college BUILDING
FUND---and over and above your FIRST tithes, and regular offerings.
I have made this a long letter. THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT
MATTERS and I want you to understand them THOROUGHLY. I'm sure you
understand that this calling for a levy of a tenth of your SECOND
tithe is NOT asking you to make any sacrifice whatsoever. God
COMMANDS every member to save a SECOND TITHE---that is, a second
TEN PER CENT of his entire actual net income. It is NOT figured on
"take-home pay" after Federal income tax has been withheld by an
employer---but is figured on the SAME total net income on which the
government income tax is figured.
All of you should have been saving this, anyway. If you
haven't, you should start IMMEDIATELY. Of course this second tithe
forces God's people to spend less through the year on amusements
and entertainments. We have our really BIG time of enjoyment at
these wonderful Festivals. Of course, this assessing of a tenth of
your second tithe may cause some of you to be a little less lavish
in spending money on yourself at the Feast. But I am informed that
some of you are spending too lavishly at the Feasts.
God DOES tell us to spend liberally to ENJOY His Festivals---
but NOTHING should EVER be done to EXCESS, brethren. And some few
of you have been guilty of doing that. But I know we shall all
receive great JOY in being able, in this way, to provide the
PLACES for the Feasts as we grow larger and larger every year.
By this time, MOST of God's people should have, already saved,
about FIFTY PER CENT of their total second tithe. If you have been
obeying God, in setting aside this fund for YOURSELF, to make YOUR
Festival MORE ENJOYABLE---then it will be a simple matter for you
to send in your TEN PER CENT of this fund NOW---without delay!
You should take a few moments to calculate, on the basis of
what you have earned until NOW, and on the basis of your past Feast
expenses, the sum total you will have available for this fall
Feast. Then take TEN PER CENT of that amount, and send it to
Headquarters IMMEDIATELY---labeling it FESTIVAL FUND! Remember,