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LABORERS ARE FEW -- and He commands you and me to PRAY for more
laborers. One way we can do that, beside fervent LITERAL prayers,
is by as liberal special contributions (or even loans) to this
SPECIAL BUILDING FUND as we are able. We wanted to accept 200 or
more new students last fall -- over 600 wanted to come. But,
because of the lack of these necessary buildings, we could only
take 70.
God is causing more and more talented, fine young men and
women to apply for admission to one of the Ambassador Colleges
every year. The WORLD can afford to have its BIG colleges and
gigantic universities, with scores of giant buildings, to train
them for the WORLD'S WORK in a dying and doomed world going to
oblivion in perhaps some 15 years or less! Yet some think that
GOD'S colleges ought to be tiny little struggling schools which
ought to get along without any additional buildings or facilities
to accommodate constant growth.
Just this morning the newspapers carried a half-page
sketch of the burgeoning campus for Caltech (California Institute
of Technology). They have just recently completed a TWENTY MILLION
DOLLAR building expansion project, and now they are calling for TEN
MILLION more. They will get it, too! And my own home LIES RIGHT
IN THEIR PATH. In their Master Plan, our home is scheduled to be
wrecked, and the ground to become a parking lot! This next ten
million-dollar program, now called for, will take our home from
Mrs. Armstrong and me. What they have done already has DEPRECIATED
property values to the extent we will have to sell for about half
of what our home is worth. If we refuse, they will have our
property condemned under their right of eminent domain, and then
we'll have to let them take it at a still lower price.
Caltech has just completed erecting 18 large, major new
buildings -- $20,000,000, to train men in technology and science
for the "space age." Ambassador College MUST HAVE four new and far
smaller buildings to train men to reap the harvest for GOD'S
The plans are moving right along -- I am going ahead ON
FAITH that our Co-Workers will CONTINUE this special Building Fund,
at an increase of 30% each year -- since we do continue to have 30%
MORE Co-Workers helping in this great mission every year. I have
to trust you will STAND LOYALLY BEHIND ME.
Here we are in the middle of January -- always a very
difficult month -- for so many people are trying to recoup their
finances after lavish Christmas-gift spending. And then we have to
face, next month, the SHORTEST month of the year. So we face two
very trying months right now.
For this reason I need, especially to call for extra
effort from all Co-Workers to be as liberal as your ability allows
in regular offerings for the broadcast and Gospel work -- and there
is now SPECIAL URGENT NEED for loans of larger sums from those few
of you who have such funds you are not using right now -- may need
in the future and therefore feel unable to GIVE such sums to the
Work at this time. It is a very great help when you let such sums