I know of, there is a request for money sent out OVER THE AIR in
every program. You NEVER hear this on The WORLD TOMORROW program,
because I do not believe it is God's way or His will--and if we
can't carry on His work HIS WAY, and according to His will, we
won't attempt to carry on at all. If I ASKED for money over the
air, put a PRICE on The PLAIN TRUTH, or begged for money in it of
all our 35,000 readers (or probably over a hundred thousand,
because we find more than three people read every copy), then we
would receive at least twice as much money as we do. But it isn't
God's way. I CAN'T DO IT!
Another thing, sending out The PLAIN TRUTH and other
literature make necessary a great deal of added office expense in
keeping our mailing lists constantly checked and up to date. As a
result, we have to maintain an office staff two or three times as
large as others conducting similar broadcasts, for the same number
of stations. The publishing work, sending literature FREE to so
many, costs just as much as the broadcasting, so that the cost of
the broadcast is only HALF of out total expense. Some might say,
"Why not drop the magazine and publishing work?" but if they knew,
as we do, he good this is doing they would never suggest that. No,
we shall NEVER drop the publishing work! It has resulted in too
precious a harvest of souls. Rather, my aim and determination is
to get the publishing work now better established, so The PLAIN
TRUTH comes out more often and REGULARLY.
But the net meaning of what I have here explained is
this: For the size of our broadcast, we have double the expense of
others, while, by being faithful to God's way of not charging for
the Gospel, selling it for a price, putting a price on it, or
begging for money over the air, our income is probably cut in half.
That simply means we have to TRUST GOD to lay it on the hearts of
our loyal co-workers to DO THEIR PART liberally, cheerfully,
constantly and continuously. We simply have to depend upon a few,
who are able (even at sacrifice) to send in reasonably large sums
of a hundred dollars or more. Some COULD place as much as five or
ten thousand dollars in God's work, and never did the work of the
Almighty, so vital in these closing days, need it as now! There
simply are not enough of the one, two, and five dollar offerings to
keep this work going--and growing! But to many, a dollar or five
dollars means just as great a sacrifice as a thousand or five
thousand would to a few others, and if you are one of them, God
will bless you MORE than He will the one who COULD place five or
ten thousand in His work, but only puts in perhaps twenty-five or
fifty. All do not have the same ability. God knows YOUR
circumstances, and is abundantly able to supply you with enough to
have a continuous and active part in HIS GLORIOUS WORK, and to make
up to anyone whatever sacrifice they make for HIS CAUSE!
The need is URGENT, and GREAT. A self-addressed envelope
is enclosed. Will you rush, even by air-mail if possible, the
largest possible offering you are able to place in God's work at
this time? Remember, GOD'S WORK should come FIRST above
EVERYTHING. Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all those things (material needs) shall be added
to you. God bless you!