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resulting from the tragedy of presidential assassination, and the
sudden dropping off of the receipt of funds, comes the biggest
splurge of gift-spending in history. This is the season when
people FORGET all about any gift for CHRIST, to keep HIS WORK GOING
-- and indulge in frenzied shopping for presents to trade back and
Once again, REMEMBER -- the "wise men" gave their gifts
to CHRIST -- they did not exchange them among themselves. And
Christ was not born December 25, or even in that time of year. And
further, those gifts were not presented to Christ on his birthday
-- but a good deal later.
The Christmas tree is described in Jeremiah 10, and God's
Word FORBIDS US TO PARTICIPATE in such things! Christmas is a
PAGAN custom. Write for our special FREE booklet on the truth
about Christmas! God's Word commands us NOT to take these pagan
CUSTOMS and use them in the worship of CHRIST. He will not accept
such false worship.
IF it were right to give GIFTS at this season, don't you
think all the gifts should be given to CHRIST, for HIS WORK -- not
to other people, friends, family, relatives, who are also giving to
This is our most difficult month.
Co-Workers, it is going to take EXTRA EFFORT on the part
of every one of us, if we are to prevent going behind this month.
Let's show our GRATITUDE to Christ our Saviour -- and our FAITH in
Him -- by EXTRA LARGE offerings for His work, as far as
circumstances allow, through this crucial month of December!
We are planning a big expansion in GOD'S WORK for this
next year. Additional MILLIONS are going to hear the TRUE GOSPEL
-- the SAME Gospel Jesus preached -- the GOOD NEWS of His soon
coming, and of HIS KINGDOM -- the WORLD TOMORROW! You will be
thrilled, I know, when I announce, as early in the new year as
possible, the big leaps forward now being planned! NOTHING MUST
REMEMBER! No "widow's mites" are too small to HELP,
where one is not able to send more. Yet, for those who are able,
the NEED for generous BIG sums has never been so great. And the
loans of large sums from those who are unable to give outright
such amounts, yet can let this money be WORKING in Christ's Work
UNTIL you have to have it back, are as seriously needed as ever.
WHATEVER your own circumstances, GIVE to Christ as generously as
those circumstances allow.
The mails are again congested. AIR MAIL speeds it to us.
I am praying for YOU -- and I'm grateful for your prayers for GOD'S
WORK, and for me! Let's put our WHOLE HEARTS and EFFORTS into
God's Work! Make it FIRST above everything else. Read Matthew
6:33! THANK YOU!!
With love, in Jesus' name,