Our first and greatest need is the new Dining Hall for
students. They are forced to eat, now, in a disgracefully
congested manner, in one of our girls' student residences. I wrote
you before how, out of more than 600 applicants, we had to reduce
the number accepted this fall to 70. Hundreds of prospective
students had to be disappointed -- many shed tears -- because there
was not room for them. Normally we should have taken in about 150,
as new Freshman students. For the first time in history we have
had to reduce the total student enrollment this year -- and ONLY
because we have OUTGROWN present buildings and facilities. We have
no auditorium or assembly hall. The one we had converted to that
temporary use was outgrown over a year ago. We do not have enough
class rooms. We do not have enough office space to carry on GOD'S
As I have said before, A GROWING WORK makes necessary
expanding facilities.
What it all sums up to is this: GOD is BLESSING His Work
as never before. The Work is GROWING in every way. We are now
getting the Work into a sound financial condition. We have a
reasonably good START in our Property and Building fund, but now
there is NECESSITY that we build this up FASTER! If we can just
maintain the receipt of regular tithes and offerings for the
operation of God's Work, and then INCREASE the EXTRA, SPECIAL
offerings for the Property and Building SPECIAL Fund, everything
will work out just splendidly. But the time has come when we MUST
put on SPECIAL EFFORT to increase this special fund.
If you are one who has NOT as yet sent in a statement of
intention for SPECIAL offerings, in addition to tithes and regular
offerings, will you not do so BY RETURN MAIL, so that I may know
how to plan. Remember, I do not ask for a binding pledge, or a
vow, or any such thing -- merely a statement of INTENTION, of how
much per month you expect to be able to send in for this SPECIAL
fund. If circumstances rise that prevent you from keeping to the
stated amount, then you are not bound. But there is IMMEDIATE AND
DIRE NEED to expand this fund NOW!
Many of our Co-Workers have sums of money you may not
feel free, at this time, to give to God's Work as a donation --
feeling you may have NEED of it, or part of it, at some future
time. I have been asking such Co-Workers to PUT THIS MONEY TO WORK
WHERE GOD IS WORKING, by sending it in on a LOAN basis. These
loans ARE HELPING A GREAT DEAL! Some have written that you do not
understand just HOW you can make such a loan to the Work. If you
will just request it by return mail, we will send you, immediately,
full instructions.
Many others are concerned about making a WILL. Everyone
ought to attend to this, and make a WILL -- and not neglect it. If
you would like to do this in a manner to leave a part or all to
God's Work, our legal department will give you FREE LEGAL SERVICE,
and send you full information. Just write direct to our legal
department. They will be glad to help you.
REMEMBER that all you put in this SPECIAL Building Fund